Re: Unique identifier in osd debug log to track ONE process from beginning to end

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On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Mihály Árva-Tóth
<mihaly.arva-toth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Greg,
> Thank you, but I don't understand. Can you give me an example? Here is the
> first line of code which I can pair with an upload on primary OSD:
> 2014-02-12T14:30:08+01:00 stor1 ceph-osd: 2014-02-12 14:30:08.029679
> 7f8f12425700 20 osd.1 2355 _dispatch 0x1ceb3240
> osd_op(client.117465.0:384414
> default.4827.2_20140212_7ec1de9c-93e9-11e3-8d77-ebcf0577c360.mp4
> [getxattrs,stat] 11.d3793dd5 e2355) v4

Right. Look for that "client.117465.0:384414" string and you should be
able to see the big points of progress. But really, to read these logs
you need to spend the time to understand them; there's no quick fix
for it.
Software Engineer #42 @ |

> Thank you,
> Mihaly
> 2014-02-12 17:28 GMT+01:00 Gregory Farnum <greg@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> This is harder than it sounds, but you can get a broad picture by looking
>> for all the instances of the client request string (I believe it's the one
>> from the incoming message, but I'm not at a computer to check). It outputs
>> all the key points with that tag, and you can look at what's going on in the
>> vicinity of those points for more.
>> -Greg
>> On Wednesday, February 12, 2014, Mihály Árva-Tóth
>> <mihaly.arva-toth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have got strange OSD slowing issue (always on primary OSD): I turned on
>>> --debug-log 30/30 to all OSDs, and I would like to track one process (for
>>> example write an object) in the log from the beginning to end without
>>> annoying other log rows (which are related another processes). Can you put
>>> an unique ID which joins a single process to one trackable feed?
>>> Thank you!
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mihály Árva-Tóth
>>> System Engineer
>> --
>> Software Engineer #42 @ |
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