Hi all,
I've tested authentication on client side for pools, no problem so far.
I'm testing granularity to the rbd image, I've seen in the doc that we
can limit to object prefix, so possibly to rbd image :
I've got the following key :
key: ...
caps: [mon] allow r
caps: [osd] allow * object_prefix rbd_data.108374b0dc51
The object_prefix is from the rbd info <image> command :
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.108374b0dc51
And my client, I've got the following error using this key :
rbd --id test01 --keyfile test01 map <pool>/<image>
rbd: add failed: (34) Numerical result out of range
However I've got no error when I use the caps [osd] allow rwx <pool>. I
would say it's my object_prefix declaration that is wrong. I'm puzzled,
is there anyone who could implement this granularity?
Laurent Durnez
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