Hi Rzk,
Thanks for the links! I was able to add a public_network line to the config on the admin host and push the config to the nodes with a "ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push rc-ceph-node1 rc-ceph-node2
The bug tracker indicates that the quickstart documentation was updated four months ago to note the need for a public_network statement < http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/5195#note-15>,
but I can't find the string public_network in the quickstart. What am I missing?
Hi ,
I also found similar problem when adding a new monitor to my cluster. hope this can help.
In my ceph monitor log, i found this line:
2013-10-23 17:00:15.907105 7fc9edc9b780 0 ceph version 0.61.4 (1669132fcfc27d0c0b5e5bb93ade59d147e23404), process ceph-mon, pid 4312
2013-10-23 17:00:16.158621 7fc9edc9b780 0 mon.2 does not exist in monmap, will attempt to join an existing cluster
My server also have two NIC that use for public and private(cluster only).
and based on
after done all step in "adding monitor" using ceph documentation,
i do this following :
Root# ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 12
epoch 12
fsid b3ecd9c5-182b-4978-9272-d4b278454500
last_changed 2013-10-23 17:57:44.185915
created 2013-05-16 16:46:00.572157
0: 10.xxx.xxx.xx1:6789/0 mon.0
1: 10.xxx.xxx.xx2:6789/0 mon.1
2: 10.xxx.xxx.xx3:6789/0 mon.2
Root# ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
got latest monmap
Root# ceph-mon -i 2 --inject-monmap /tmp/monmap
Root# /etc/init.d/ceph start mon.2
=== mon.2 ===
Starting Ceph mon.2 on ubuntuGPT3...
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