Re: ceph osd set noout

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On Sat, 31 Aug 2013, Geraint Jones wrote:
> Hi
> After the fun we had the other night we have also found that the SSD's
> acting as the journal for our OSD's are not up to the task. So along with
> adding some 10gbit I am going to add some more/faster SSD's.
> Having done some investigation it seems that the best way to do this is to
> do the following
>  1. Shutdown the server as normal, Add the SSD(s) and bring it back up. I
>     understand this can make things a little slow during the reboot etc, but
>     that should not take particularly long.
>  2. $ ceph osd set noout <- this is confusing me, we have osd.0 -> osd.8 on
>     this sever, will it noout all the osd's ? 

This sets a global flag that prevents the monitor from marking OSDs 
out after they have been down for more than 5 minutes.  Do this once, then 
redo all of the osd journals and restart the daemons, and then ceph osd 
unset noout at the very end of the process.


>  3. $ service ceph stop osd.X
>  4. $ ceph-osd ?i X ?flush-journal
>  5. change the symlink for the sod's journal to point to the new SSD
>  6. $ ceph-osd ?i X ?mkjournal
>  7. $ service ceph start osd.X
>  8. $ ceph osd unset noout / goto 2. <- Like above do I do this once for the
>     host, then do all work or is this done per osd?
>  If anyone has any thoughts on the above procedure I would be keen to hear
> them.
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