Issues setting up ceph object storage

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Hello all,

I am trying to install a ceph environment for testing, focused on block devices for virtualization and object storage. I am facing some issues.

My environment consists of one server running ceph-deploy and mon; 3 cluster nodes with 3 disks each running a total of 3 OSD's; and one object gateway. All servers are virtualized, running ubuntu 13.04 on XenServer hosts. When installing, I created a cluster with non-default name.

The issues:

1) I couldn't create the OSD with non-default filesystem. I tried using "--fs-type btrfs ", as stated here. The option was not accepted. How can I use btrfs using ceph-deploy?

2) When trying to restart a OSD - in my case, to apply a changed configuration for cluster network, the command "sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -c <cluster>.conf stop osd.<num>" is accepted, but doesn't shut down the osd. I had to kill the process to achieve it, and run the command line request to run it again. Btw, I still have a number of connections between OSDs across the public network, even after configuring the cluster network.

3) I'm also facing problems running radosgw - when running /etc/init.d/radosgw start, the request is accepted, but no process exists; but I'm still gathering more information and double checking the object gateway installation.

Any help would be welcome.


Gerd Jakobovitsch

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