On Sun, 25 Aug 2013, Yu Changyuan wrote:
> Today, when I restart ceph service, the problem I asked on mail-list before
> happened
> again(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ceph.user/2995),
> ceph-mon refuse to start and report below error:
> 2013-08-25 18:24:52.465600 7fb50a496780 -1 mon/AuthMonitor.cc: In function
> 'virtual void AuthMonitor::update_from_paxos(bool*)' thread 7fb50a496780
> time 2013-08-25 18:24:52.453920
> mon/AuthMonitor.cc: 152: FAILED assert(ret == 0)
> ceph version 0.61.7 (8f010aff684e820ecc837c25ac77c7a05d7191ff)
> 1: (AuthMonitor::update_from_paxos(bool*)+0x1fee) [0x57742e]
> 2: (PaxosService::refresh(bool*)+0x18d) [0x4f630d]
> 3: (Monitor::refresh_from_paxos(bool*)+0x57) [0x496477]
> 4: (Monitor::init_paxos()+0xf5) [0x496635]
> 5: (Monitor::preinit()+0x6bc) [0x4ad1dc]
> 6: (main()+0x1bec) [0x48ac8c]
> 7: (__libc_start_main()+0xed) [0x7fb5084c660d]
> 8: ceph-mon() [0x48dab9]
> Then, I switch to ''wip-mon-skip-auth-cuttlefish" branch, ceph-mon complain
> some "missing auth inc"(from 1 to 500), and continue running, then
> everything is ok again.
> But when I stop this patched ceph-mon, and try to start regular unpatched
> ceph-mon, above error happened again. As I mentioned, the ceph-mon files
> last time I use is not the final one that 'missing auth', but the files 2
> days before ceph-mon fail, which actually ceph-mon start ok but ceph-osd
> refuse to work.
> So, I want to know how to make these ceph-mon files that only work with
> patched ceph-mon to work again with regular unpatched ceph-mon.
Without seeing logs and knowing exactly what is going on, my first guess
is that running several 'ceph auth add' or 'ceph auth import' commands
that makes modifications to the auth db 25 times will get you past the
gap. After that, the mon should start with the unpatched version.
If that doesn't fix it, can you generate a log with 'debug ms = 1' 'debug
paxos = 20' 'debug mon = 20' and share that?
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