On 2013-08-19 18:36, Schmitt, Christian wrote:
Currently the first question would be, is it possible to have a ceph
single node setup, where everything is on one node?
Yes, definitely, I've currently got a single-node ceph 'cluster', but,
to the best of my knowledge, it's not the recommended configuration for
long-term usage; in the coming weeks (given this is a home server), I'll
be attempting to bring up another two nodes.
Our Application, Ceph's object storage and a database? We focus on
this deployment model for our very small customers, who only have like
20 members that use our application, so the load wouldn't be very high.
And the next question would be, is it possible to extend the Ceph
single node to 3 nodes later, if they need more availability?
I'm not sure how much ram the monitor and mds take, but each osd (disk)
seems to nominally use 300M of ram. My 'server' is a micro-ATX board
with 5 spinning disks and a SSD, plugged into a small UPS; total cost
about 2000 AUD. It's running a mail-server, backuppc for the other VMs,
PCs and laptops in the house, a file-server re-exporting the disk from
ceph, and some other random stuff. The VMs chew up a little more than 8G
of ram in total, and on the 16G machine, there doesn't seem to be any
performance problems (with only two users, mind you).
Also we always want to use Shared Nothing Machines, so every service
would be on one machine, is this Okai for Ceph, or does Ceph really
need a lot of CPU/Memory/Disk Speed?
Currently we make an archiving software for small customers and we
want to move things on the file system on a object storage. Currently
we only have customers that needs 1 machine or 3 machines. But
everything should work as fine on more.
Depending on your definition of 'machine', a cluster of 3 smaller
machines may be substitutable for a single larger one; with the hope
that hardware failure only takes out 1 node, leaving the whole cluster
still online and able to be restored to full capacity at your (relative)
leisure, rather than Right Now, as the backups aren't running anymore...
The two 'new' nodes I'm spinning up are my old desktop machine and its
predecessor, which, arguably could be construed as being 'free'. =)
For firms of your target size, it may be an effective thing to suggest
upgrading one or more desktops, and use the old machines to run the
backup system on. Especially if you're charging for the service
provided, more than for the hardware, you may be able to consolidate
multiple existing servers into VMs running on a ceph cluster, with
enough spare capacity to also run your backup suite, with minimal to no
actual hardware outlay.
Martin Rudat
ceph-users mailing list