Actually it seems that mgr-mon communication is impaired. Mon did not notice several events, like pg fixing. Here follow details: > > This is definitely a bug. Did the ceph health indicate there was a slow > mon request? Not today, but I have been struggling lately with health warnings like: 2019-06-03 06:25:05.582 7f57e1599700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : Health check update: 2 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 210113 sec, daemons [mon,ceph1,mon,ceph6] have slow ops. (SLOW_OPS) Regarding this I have found open bug: and did just restart mon-ceph6 and warning did go away. As I understand this bug is still open and this is only available workaround. > Note that 633956sec is ~1 week... so that also looks fishy. Is it > possible the clocks shifted on your OSD nodes? Clocks are in sync. > > > > Question: why ceph health detail did not inform about blocking osd > > issue? Is it a bug? > That also sounds like a bug. > > What does your 'ceph -s' say? Is it possible your mgr is down or > something? (The OSD health alerts are fed via the mgr to the mon.) > mgr had been up last days. # ceph -s cluster: id: .... health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph1,ceph3,ceph6 (age 22h) mgr: ceph3(active, since 4d), standbys: ceph6, ceph1 mds: cephfs_cards:1 {0=ceph3=up:active} 2 up:standby osd: 50 osds: 50 up (since 5h), 50 in (since 29h) May be this is related(in case mgr-mon communication is impaired) may be not but while health detail showed: # ceph health detail HEALTH_OK #ceph -s showed ... pgs: 10807 active+clean 1 active+recovering+repair I guess "ceph health detail" should show degraded pg? only way I could get affected pg is: # ceph pg dump | grep repair dumped all 51.311 949 0 0 0 0 3959836672 0 0 3024 3024 active+recovering+repair 2019-06-04 12:45:44.637012 372024'541394 372027:1595236 [21,33,17] 21 [21,33,17] 21 372024'541394 2019-06-04 09:56:30.003549 372024'541394 2019-06-04 09:56:30.003549 0 My feeling was that this pg was not actually repairing(confirmed below). I have had degraded pgs before, after instructing those to repair usually ceph fixed inconsistencies in several minutes, this one was hanging for hours. I just tried also # ceph pg deep-scrub 51.311 instructing pg 51.311 on osd.21 to deep-scrub but did not notice any changes. noticed osd.21 # tail -f /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.21.log 2019-06-04 18:31:02.960 7fb9bde61700 -1 osd.21 372028 get_health_metrics reporting 1 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.132208000.1:200705740 51.13404b11 51:88d202c8:::rbd_data.5924292ae8944a.0000000000111cd6:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 2924544~12288] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write e372024) 2019-06-04 18:31:03.984 7fb9bde61700 -1 osd.21 372028 get_health_metrics reporting 1 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.132208000.1:200705740 51.13404b11 51:88d202c8:::rbd_data.5924292ae8944a.0000000000111cd6:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 2924544~12288] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write e372024) 2019-06-04 18:31:04.980 7fb9bde61700 -1 osd.21 372028 get_health_metrics reporting 1 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.132208000.1:200705740 51.13404b11 51:88d202c8:::rbd_data.5924292ae8944a.0000000000111cd6:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 2924544~12288] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write e372024) 2019-06-04 18:31:06.000 7fb9bde61700 -1 osd.21 372028 get_health_metrics reporting 1 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.132208000.1:200705740 51.13404b11 51:88d202c8:::rbd_data.5924292ae8944a.0000000000111cd6:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 2924544~12288] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write e372024) restarted osd.21 grep'ed logs from osd.21 regarding pg 51.311 - it turns out it had been fixed 1min after repair start but "ceph -s" did not notice it. cat /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.21.log | grep "51.311" 2019-06-04 09:55:41.860 7fb9a8636700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : 51.311 repair starts 2019-06-04 09:56:08.607 7fb9a8636700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 51.311 soid 51:88d202c8:::rbd_data.5924292ae8944a.0000000000111cd6:head : data_digest 0x2e4cfea6 != data_digest 0x3d267a8b from shard 21, object info inconsistent 2019-06-04 09:56:29.999 7fb9a8636700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 51.311 repair 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects 2019-06-04 09:56:29.999 7fb9a8636700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 51.311 repair 1 errors, 1 fixed 2019-06-04 18:33:27.679 7f7e8e11d700 1 osd.21 pg_epoch: 372028 pg[51.311( v 372024'541394 (369590'538370,372024'541394] local-lis/les=371314/371329 n=949 ec=351229/251376 lis/c 371314/371314 les/c/f 371329/371616/0 371314/371314/371314) [21,33,17] r=0 lpr=372024 crt=372024'541394 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary 2019-06-04 18:33:28.787 7f7e8e11d700 1 osd.21 pg_epoch: 372029 pg[51.311( v 372024'541394 (369590'538370,372024'541394] local-lis/les=371314/371329 n=949 ec=351229/251376 lis/c 371314/371314 les/c/f 371329/371616/0 371314/371314/371314) [21,33,17] r=0 lpr=372024 crt=372024'541394 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 peering mbc={}] state<Started/Primary/Peering>: Peering, affected_by_map, going to Reset 2019-06-04 18:33:28.787 7f7e8e11d700 1 osd.21 pg_epoch: 372029 pg[51.311( v 372024'541394 (369590'538370,372024'541394] local-lis/les=371314/371329 n=949 ec=351229/251376 lis/c 371314/371314 les/c/f 371329/371616/0 372029/372029/372029) [33,17] r=-1 lpr=372029 pi=[371314,372029)/1 crt=372024'541394 lcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] start_peering_interval up [21,33,17] -> [33,17], acting [21,33,17] -> [33,17], acting_primary 21 -> 33, up_primary 21 -> 33, role 0 -> -1, features acting 4611087854031667199 upacting 4611087854031667199 2019-06-04 18:33:28.787 7f7e8e11d700 1 osd.21 pg_epoch: 372031 pg[51.311( v 372024'541394 (369590'538370,372024'541394] local-lis/les=371314/371329 n=949 ec=351229/251376 lis/c 371314/371314 les/c/f 371329/371616/0 372031/372031/372031) [21,33,17] r=0 lpr=372031 pi=[371314,372031)/1 crt=372024'541394 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown NOTIFY mbc={}] start_peering_interval up [33,17] -> [21,33,17], acting [33,17] -> [21,33,17], acting_primary 33 -> 21, up_primary 33 -> 21, role -1 -> 0, features acting 4611087854031667199 upacting 4611087854031667199 2019-06-04 18:33:28.787 7f7e8e11d700 1 osd.21 pg_epoch: 372031 pg[51.311( v 372024'541394 (369590'538370,372024'541394] local-lis/les=371314/371329 n=949 ec=351229/251376 lis/c 371314/371314 les/c/f 371329/371616/0 372031/372031/372031) [21,33,17] r=0 lpr=372031 pi=[371314,372031)/1 crt=372024'541394 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 unknown mbc={}] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary after osd.21 restart(or coincidence with some other efforts like deep-scrubbing) "ceph -s" shows all pgs active+clean. So it really seems that mon does not notice all events that happen. Ugis