Hi folks, >From time to time we talk about improving the developer experience for PRs and builds. One of the KubeVirt developers presented recently on "KubeVirt and Prow": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3nLnIk0Vc8 It sounds like they currently have some Jenkins infrastructure and they are moving to Prow. This is the CI system that Google uses for Kubernetes PRs. One of the things that stood out to me is the ability to delegate merge permissions to different GitHub users for different areas of the code tree, without having to make them members of the organization. It can also rebase and merge once the build passes, so that could help with the occasional build failure we see when Ceph PRs collide. In the past the idea of using Zuul has come up, and I wonder if Prow could be a better choice. - Ken