From re-reading this thread I determined that the only two outstanding
issues are upgrade/firefly-x and rgw+centos (can anyone confirm?)
I don't think upgrade/firefly-x should be a blocker. Rationale: as of
the jewel release, firefly clusters were supposed to be upgraded to at
least hammer. As of the kraken release, support of hammer has been
focused on facilitating users to upgrade from hammer to jewel. In other
words, firefly clusters should already have been upgraded and upgrading
from firefly to hammer is no longer supported.
As for the rgw valgrind/libtcmalloc failures on centos, I made a
wip-hammer-baseline branch based on "hammer" but with a different SHA1
("git commit --amend --reset-author") and pushed it to ceph/ceph-ci.git
so Shaman will re-build it. This should ensure that "flavor=notcmalloc"
really means what it says. Re-running rgw+centos on this
wip-hammer-baseline branch will tell us more.
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