Hi Chandan,
thanks you for your post
indeed we observe in our experiment that Mojette erasure coding has
better performance than ISA-L (thanks to the discrete geometry and
Mojette transform). A systematic/standard version exists. It is a patent
(as couples of erasure coding). We are few cycles above memcopy
A paper is currently under revision and will appear soon on this.
Moreover RozoFS is alive! see on github https://github.com/rozofs/rozofs
(last commit 6 days ago).
8 peoples are working daily to improve this fully posix DFS which is
today the only one on the earth erasure coding based (at our best
We compared to CephFS (in replication mode) and outperform it.
Particularly, in random I/Os where the 4KB (or 8KB) blocks structure is
well suited for Rozo.
Same. A paper will appear soon on this point.
Best regards
bparrein, University of Nantes
Le 20/04/2016 10:52, Chandan Kumar Singh a écrit :
The authors of Mojette Erasure Encoding claim that this EC has higher
performance than ISA-L and Jerasure and can be used for hot storage
use cases. Their EC is used in open source RozoFS. What is your
evaluation of it? It will be nice if it is available as another EC
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Benoît Parrein
Maître de Conférences (HDR)
Université de Nantes (Polytech Nantes), laboratoire IRCCyN
web: http://www.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/~parrein/
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