Re: Is BlueFS an alternative of BlueStore?

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Hi Javen,

Thanks for the detailed description.  Two things jump out at me:

1) I don't think it's going to be possible to preserve the batching 
behavior--delaying an client write by 5s is simply a non-starter.  Even 
in cases where the client possibly could tolerate a long latency on a 
write (say, async writeback in cephfs), a fsync(2) can come along at any 
time at which point the client will want the commit back as soon as 
possible.  At the layer of the storage stack where the OSDs sit, writes 
really need to become durable as quickly as possible.

In the context of ZFS, I think this just means you need to use the ZIL for 
everything, or you need to use some sort of metadata journaling mode.  I'm 
not sure if this exists in ZFS or not...

2) The 64-bit hash + 32-bit CD sounds problematic.  You're right that we 
can't modify [g]hobject_t without hugely intrustive changes in the 
rest of Ceph, and it's not clear to me that we can map the ghobject_t 
tuple--which includes several string fields--to a 96-bit value in a way 
that avoids collisions and preserves order.  I suspect the best that 
can be done is to map to something that *does* potentially collide, but 
very improbably, and do the final sort of usually 1 but potentially a 
handful of values in memory...


On Wed, 13 Jan 2016, Javen Wu wrote:

> Hi Sage,
> Peng and I investigated the code about PG backfill and scrub per your
> guidance.
> Below is further investigation result.
> Please forgive me about the long email :-(
> ZFS library + ObjectStore
> =========================
> I think I know very well about what you mentioned "collection sorted
> enumeration". The so called "sorted enumeration" actually implies two
> meanings:
> 1. a sort of all objects in the collection.
> 2. given a object, it can tell whether the object in a range easily.
> Obviously, the most efficient way is NOT to sort the objects of collection
> after we retrieve the list of objects from backend. So it would be better
> that the entries are stored on the backend according the expected order.
> That's why RocksDB is key piece of BlueStore.
> We tried so hard to map the ZFS ZAP to CEPH collection. Here is what we
> thought the scheme:
> ZAP is ZFS Attribute Processor which is actually a object type to describe
> Key-Value set. ZFS used it a lot to describe metadata, Directory is one of
> them.
> And the most important thing is entries in ZAP does have a "ORDER". The ZAP
> hashes the "key" to a 64-bit integer, plus a 32-bit CD (collision
> differentiator) to index and store the KV entries. The CD is managed by ZAP
> iteself to solve hash collision and is persisted in the ZAP entry descriptor.
> (There is more detailed explanation about ZAP at the end of the mail)
> In theory, we are able to use ZAP to achieve the goal of "sorted enumeration".
> Firstly, we can retrieve a sorted list of KVs(objects) from ZAP.
> Secondly, according key name (object name), hash can be calculated, and we can
> retrieve CD from on-disk ZAP entry associated to the object.bring hash and CD
> together, the order is able to be determined.
> However, we didn't find a elegant way to implement the idea for CEPH. If we
> leverage ZFS libraries to implement a new ObjectStore, the change cannot
> be well confined in the ObjectStore layer since hboject, gobject and
> comparision logic will be redefined based on ZFS "ZAP entry hash + CD",
> which is beyond the scope of ObjectStore alone. The comparision logics
> is spread in ReplicatedPG etc.
> In addition, we have another question about BlueStore which is relevant to our
> idea. Does BlueStore consider "batch writes"?
> Similar to BlueStore, ZFS is also no "modify in place". ZFS's transaction
> considers not only metadata/data consistency, but also "batch writes". The
> write batch reduces disk write times significantly. So ZFS transaction
> persist data to disk in 5 seconds period. I saw FileStore persist data
> immediately even in filesystem semantics without sync() requirement.
> If we align ZFS transaction and CEPH ObjectStore transaction, it means
> we either delay persist data to backend until 5-second transaction commit
> or persist data to ZIL immediately before update real backend. The last
> choice is still double write. Will it be a problem if we delay persist
> data and reply to client until the data is persisted?
> We are looking forward to your advice, is it worthy that we continue the
> proposal (leveraging ZFS library to implement a new ObjectStore)?
> ZFS Library + RocksDB
> =====================
> We also evaluated the possibility of using ZFS libraries to host
> RocksDB. I think it is very hard to do that. The reasons are:
> 1. ZIL reclaims the block after log trim and allocates block when new
> log record is added, so that means there is no BlueFS-like "warm up
> phase."
> 2. RocksDB does sync write for WAL. Then RocksDB sync flush memtable
> to backend file before trim WAL. ZFS does not like sync operation since
> it tries to batch writes and commit data in 5 seconds. ZFS trim ZIL once
> transaction is commited. So the life cycle of ZIL does not match RocksDB
> WAL. If we are going to change that, there would be a huge change in
> RocksDB which cannot be confined in RocksDB::Env.
> Overall, there is NO impossible in Engineer's world, but whether the
> effort is worthful should be considered carefully ;-)
> ZAP description:
> ==============
> ZAP hashes the attribute name (key) to a 64 bit integer.
> CD is collision differentiator when hash collision and CD
> is managed by ZAP and is persisted on the backend.
> So 64bit hash + CD uniquely identify a attribute in the ZAP object.
> ZAP insert/index the KVs in the order of (hash + CD).
> n + m + k = 64 bits
> n bits decide the point table bucket,
> m bits decide which zap leaf block
> k bits decide the entry in the leaf bucket
> CD is collision differentiator
> +---------------------+
> |ZAP object descriptor|
> +---------------------+
>          |
>          |  n bit of prefix of 64-bit hash index into bucket of ptbl
>          V
> pointer table
>  ___________
> | zap leaf  |
> |___________|           zap leaf           zap leaf
> | zap leaf  |        ____________        ____________
> |___________|        |   next   |        |   next   |
> | zap leaf  |------->|__________|------> |__________|
> |___________|        | hash tbl |        | hash tbl |
> |    ...    |        |__________|        |__________|
>                           |                   |
>                           | entry hash tbl    | entry hash tbl
>                      _____V_____          ____V_____
>                      |__________|        |__________|
>                      |__________|        |__________|
>                      |__________|        |__________|
>                      |__________|        |__________|
>            ----------|__________| |__________|
>            |
>            |
>            |
>            |
>         ___V______        __________ __________
>        |entry next|----> |entry next|----> |entry next|
>        |__________|      |__________|      |__________|
>        |__ hash___|      |___hash___|      |___hash___|
>        |    CD    |      |    CD    |      |    CD    |
>        |__________|      |__________|      |__________|
> Thanks
> Javen & Peng
> > On Thu, 7 Jan 2016, Javen Wu wrote:
> > > Thanks Sage for your reply.
> > > 
> > > I am not sure I understand the challenges you mentioned about
> > > backfill/scrub.
> > > I will investigate from the code and let you know if we can conquer the
> > > challenge by easy means.
> > > Our rough idea for ZFSStore are:
> > > 1. encapsulate dnode object as onode and add onode attributes.
> > > 2. uses ZAP object as collection. (ZFS directory uses ZAP object)
> > > 3. enumerating entries in ZAP object is list objects in collection.
> > This is the key piece that will determine whether rocksdb (or something
> > similar) is required.  POSIX doesn't give you sorted enumeration of
> > files.  In order to provide that with FileStore, we used a horrible
> > hashing scheme that dynamically broke directories into
> > smaller subdirectories once they got big, and organized things by a hash
> > prefix (enumeration is in hash order).  That meant a mess of directories
> > with bounded size (so that there were a bounded number of entries to read
> > and then sort in memory before returning a sorted result), which was
> > inefficient, and it meant that as the number of objects grew you'd have
> > this periodic rehash work that had to be done that further slowed things
> > down.  This, combined with the inability to group an arbitrary
> > number of file operations (writes, unlinks, renames, setxattrs, etc.) into
> > an atomic transaction was FileStore's downfall.  I think the zfs libs give
> > you the transactions you need, but you *also* need to get sorted
> > enumeration (with a sort order you define) or else you'll have all the
> > ugliness of the FileStore indexes.
> > 
> > > 4. create a new metaslab class to store CEPH journal.
> > > 5. align CEPH journal and ZFS transcation.
> > > 
> > > Actually we've talked about the possibility of building RocksDB::Env on
> > > top
> > > of the zfs libraries. It must align ZIL(ZFS intent log) and RocksDB WAL.
> > > Otherwise, there is still same problem as XFS and RocksDB.
> > > 
> > > ZFS is tree style log structure-like file system, once a leaf block
> > > updates,
> > > the modification would be propagated from the leaf to the root of tree.
> > > To batch writes and reduce times of disk write, ZFS persist modification
> > > to
> > > disk
> > > in 5 seconds transaction. Only when Fsync/sync write arrives in the middle
> > > of
> > > the 5 seconds, ZFS would persist the journal to ZIL.
> > > I remembered RocksDB would do a sync after log record adding, so it means
> > > if
> > > we can not align ZIL and WAL, the log write would be write to ZIL firstly
> > > and
> > > then apply ZIL to log file, finally Rockdb update sst file. It's almost
> > > the
> > > same problem as XFS if my understanding is correct.
> > If you implement rocksdb::Env, you'll see the rocksdb WAL writes and the
> > fsync calls come down.  You can store those however you'd like... as
> > "files" or perhaps directly in the ZIL.
> > 
> > The way we do this in BlueFS is that for an initial warm-up period, we
> > append to a WAL log file, and have to do both the log write *and* a
> > journal write to update the file size.  Once we've written out enough
> > logs, though, we start recycling the same logs (and disk blocks) and just
> > overwrite the previously allocated space.  The rocksdb log replay is now
> > smart enough to determine when it's reached the end of the new content and
> > is now seeing (old) garbage and stop.
> > 
> > Whether it makes sense to do something similar in zfs-land I'm not sure.
> > Presumably the ZIL itself is doing something similar (sequence nubmers and
> > crcs on log entries in a circular buffer) but the rocksdb log
> > lifecycle probably doesn't match the ZIL...
> > 
> > sage
> > 
> > > In my mind, aligning ZIL and WAL need more modifications in RocksDB.
> > > 
> > > Thanks
> > > Javen
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On 2016年01月07日 22:37, peng.hse wrote:
> > > > Hi Sage,
> > > > 
> > > > thanks for your quick response. Javen and I  once the zfs developer,are
> > > > currently focusing on how to
> > > > leverage some of the zfs ideas to improve the ceph backend performance
> > > > in
> > > > userspace.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Based on your encouraging reply, we come up with 2 schemes to continue
> > > > our
> > > > future work
> > > > 
> > > > 1. the scheme one: using the entire new FS to replace rocksdb+bluefs,
> > > > the FS
> > > > itself handles the mapping of
> > > >      oid->fs-object(kind of zfs dnode) and the according attrs used by
> > > > ceph.
> > > >     Despite the implemention challenges you mentioned about the in-order
> > > > enumeration of objects during backfill, scrub, etc (the
> > > >      same situation we also confronted in zfs, the ZAP features help us
> > > > a
> > > > lot).
> > > >      From performance or architecture point of view, it looks more clear
> > > > and
> > > > clean, would you suggest us to give a try ?
> > > > 
> > > > 2. the scheme two: As your last suspect, we just temporarily implemented
> > > > the
> > > > simple version of the FS
> > > >       which leverage libzpool ideas to plug into rocksdb underneath as
> > > > your
> > > > bluefs did
> > > > 
> > > > precious your insightful reply.
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > On 2016年01月07日 21:19, Sage Weil wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, 7 Jan 2016, Javen Wu wrote:
> > > > > > Hi Sage,
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Sorry to bother you. I am not sure if it is appropriate to send
> > > > > > email to
> > > > > > you
> > > > > > directly, but I cannot find any useful information to address my
> > > > > > confusion
> > > > > > from Internet. Hope you can help me.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Occasionally, I heard that you are going to start BlueFS to
> > > > > > eliminate
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > redudancy between XFS journal and RocksDB WAL. I am a little
> > > > > > confused.
> > > > > > Is the Bluefs only to host RocksDB for BlueStore or it's an
> > > > > > alternative of BlueStore?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I am a new comer to CEPH, I am not sure my understanding is correct
> > > > > > about
> > > > > > BlueStore. BlueStore in my mind is as below.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > >                BlueStore
> > > > > >                =========
> > > > > >      RocksDB
> > > > > > +-----------+          +-----------+
> > > > > > |   onode   |          |           |
> > > > > > |    WAL    |          |           |
> > > > > > |   omap    |          |           |
> > > > > > +-----------+          |   bdev    |
> > > > > > |           |          |           |
> > > > > > |   XFS     |          |           |
> > > > > > |           |          |           |
> > > > > > +-----------+          +-----------+
> > > > > This is the picture before BlueFS enters the picture.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > I am curious if BlueFS is able to host RocksDB, actually it's
> > > > > > already a
> > > > > > "filesystem" which have to maintain blockmap kind of metadata by its
> > > > > > own
> > > > > > WITHOUT the help of RocksDB.
> > > > > Right.  BlueFS is a really simple "file system" that is *just*
> > > > > complicated
> > > > > enough to implement the rocksdb::Env interface, which is what rocksdb
> > > > > needs to store its log and sst files.  The after picture looks like
> > > > > 
> > > > >    +--------------------+
> > > > >    |     bluestore      |
> > > > >    +----------+         |
> > > > >    | rocksdb  |         |
> > > > >    +----------+         |
> > > > >    |  bluefs  |         |
> > > > >    +----------+---------+
> > > > >    |    block device    |
> > > > >    +--------------------+
> > > > > 
> > > > > > The reason we care the intention and the design target of BlueFS is
> > > > > > that
> > > > > > I had
> > > > > > discussion with my partner Peng.Hse about an idea to introduce a new
> > > > > > ObjectStore using ZFS library. I know CEPH supports ZFS as FileStore
> > > > > > backend
> > > > > > already, but we had a different immature idea to use libzpool to
> > > > > > implement a
> > > > > > new
> > > > > > ObjectStore for CEPH totally in userspace without SPL and ZOL kernel
> > > > > > module.
> > > > > > So that we can align CEPH transaction and zfs transaction in order
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > avoid
> > > > > > double write for CEPH journal.
> > > > > > ZFS core part libzpool (DMU, metaslab etc) offers a dnode object
> > > > > > store
> > > > > > and
> > > > > > it's platform kernel/user independent. Another benefit for the idea
> > > > > > is
> > > > > > we
> > > > > > can extend our metadata without bothering any DBStore.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Frankly, we are not sure if our idea is realistic so far, but when I
> > > > > > heard of
> > > > > > BlueFS, I think we need to know the BlueFS design goal.
> > > > > I think it makes a lot of sense, but there are a few challenges.  One
> > > > > reason we use rocksdb (or a similar kv store) is that we need in-order
> > > > > enumeration of objects in order to do collection listing (needed for
> > > > > backfill, scrub, and omap).  You'll need something similar on top of
> > > > > zfs.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I suspect the simplest path would be to also implement the
> > > > > rocksdb::Env
> > > > > interface on top of the zfs libraries.  See BlueRocksEnv.{cc,h} to see
> > > > > the
> > > > > interface that has to be implemented...
> > > > > 
> > > > > sage
> > > > > 
> > > > 
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