Some more stats on the OP Queue

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I've been writing a test suite to inspect the working of the OP queue
a little deeper. In this test, I randomly choose and op priority,
cost, client and how the op is queued/dequeued (strict/normal,
front/back), then do the same thing on both queues so the only
variance is how it it queued/dequeued. What I find is that when ops
are coming in faster than they are being dequeued in the Prioritized
Queue, low priority ops are starved. The Weighted Round Robin
constantly stays on target of dequeue ratios (A. Dist. % vs. C. Dist.
%) in all cases. This testing also exposed the most likely cause for
the SSD performance decrease. Right now I'm not clearing the stats
between the different profiles, I can't think of an advantage of doing

The first profile is working 10,000 ops at a 99% enqueue rate. The
second is working 1,000,000 ops at a 70% enqueue rate (30% dequeue
rate). The third profile is working 100,000 ops at a 30% enqueue rate.
For the final profile the queue is dequeued.

The line starting with '>' is the (S)trict/(N)ormal queue, ops in the
queue / number of OPs dequeued (Total Cost dequeued) : Enqueue mean
us, Enqueue Standard Deviation us, Dequeue mean us, Dequeue Standard
Deviation us, Dequeue missed count mean, Dequeue miss Standard

A miss is when any kind of iteration has to be done to find an OP to
dequeue except for checking the strict queue. The strict queue can not

The line starting with '>>' is the priority: OPs dequeued in priority
/ total ops in priority, % dequeued (actual % of total OPs dequeued by
this priority / Computed % of total OPs that should be dequeued / if
strict priority this would be the % ).

The computed priority is done by taking any excess of higher priority
queues after they have dequeued all their OPs and distributing them to
the other priorities based on their priorities.

My next course of action is to try and optimize the dequeue path.
Please let me know if you see any problems with what I've done so far
and if I'm missing something important.

(copy to fixed width editor to line up columns)

Prio Queue stats (warm-up):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S   9798/    101 (           201909569) : 799.669,597.971,1104.42,771.008
>>256:            100/            184  54.35 %  ( 99.01 %/ 39.84 %/ 21.05 %)
>>192:              1/            186   0.54 %  (  0.99 %/ 29.92 %/  0.16 %)
>>256:      198334473/      372688703  53.22 %  ( 98.23 %/ 39.84 %/ 20.45 %)
>>192:        3575096/      376350091   0.95 %  (  1.77 %/ 29.92 %/  0.28 %)
>N   9798/      0 (                   0) :  799.67, 597.97,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00
Wrr Queue stats (warm-up):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S   9798/    101 (           201909569) :  816.82, 646.67,1220.93, 844.97
>>256:            100/            184  54.35 %  ( 99.01 %/ 39.84 %/ 21.05 %)
>>192:              1/            186   0.54 %  (  0.99 %/ 29.92 %/  0.16 %)
>>256:      198334473/      372688703  53.22 %  ( 98.23 %/ 39.84 %/ 20.45 %)
>>192:        3575096/      376350091   0.95 %  (  1.77 %/ 29.92 %/  0.28 %)
>N   9798/      0 (                   0) :  816.82, 646.67,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00
Prio Queue stats (working):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S 388782/  70176 (        140004720628) :  960.96, 676.46,1479.36, 509.77
>>256:          14127/          14127 100.00 %  ( 20.13 %/ 20.13 %/ 40.12 %)
>>192:          13859/          13859 100.00 %  ( 19.75 %/ 19.75 %/ 29.56 %)
>>128:          14018/          14018 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14181/          14181 100.00 %  ( 20.21 %/ 20.21 %/ 10.19 %)
>>  0:          13991/          13991 100.00 %  ( 19.94 %/ 19.94 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    28358583806/    28358583806 100.00 %  ( 20.26 %/ 20.26 %/ 40.28 %)
>>192:    27610191120/    27610191120 100.00 %  ( 19.72 %/ 19.72 %/ 29.45 %)
>>128:    27827012588/    27827012588 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.84 %)
>> 64:    28626793914/    28626793914 100.00 %  ( 20.45 %/ 20.45 %/ 10.28 %)
>>  0:    27582139200/    27582139200 100.00 %  ( 19.70 %/ 19.70 %/  0.15 %)
>N 388782/ 240433 (        480101662400) :  960.96, 676.46,2361.54, 877.52,   4.52,   0.50
>>256:         126161/         126162 100.00 %  ( 52.47 %/ 39.84 %/ 39.92 %)
>>192:         114272/         125607  90.98 %  ( 47.53 %/ 29.92 %/ 27.15 %)
>>256:   252175942233/   252176024910 100.00 %  ( 52.53 %/ 39.84 %/ 39.93 %)
>>192:   227925720167/   250657500913  90.93 %  ( 47.47 %/ 29.92 %/ 27.10 %)
Wrr Queue stats (working):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S 388782/  70176 (        140004720628) :  879.62, 455.57,1529.75, 531.31
>>256:          14127/          14127 100.00 %  ( 20.13 %/ 20.13 %/ 40.12 %)
>>192:          13859/          13859 100.00 %  ( 19.75 %/ 19.75 %/ 29.56 %)
>>128:          14018/          14018 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14181/          14181 100.00 %  ( 20.21 %/ 20.21 %/ 10.19 %)
>>  0:          13991/          13991 100.00 %  ( 19.94 %/ 19.94 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    28358583806/    28358583806 100.00 %  ( 20.26 %/ 20.26 %/ 40.28 %)
>>192:    27610191120/    27610191120 100.00 %  ( 19.72 %/ 19.72 %/ 29.45 %)
>>128:    27827012588/    27827012588 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.84 %)
>> 64:    28626793914/    28626793914 100.00 %  ( 20.45 %/ 20.45 %/ 10.28 %)
>>  0:    27582139200/    27582139200 100.00 %  ( 19.70 %/ 19.70 %/  0.15 %)
>N 388782/ 240433 (        480250798308) :  879.62, 455.57,3985.06,3407.50,  11.01,  14.00
>>256:          99920/         126162  79.20 %  ( 41.56 %/ 39.84 %/ 31.62 %)
>>192:          72246/         125607  57.52 %  ( 30.05 %/ 29.92 %/ 17.17 %)
>>128:          45605/         125658  36.29 %  ( 18.97 %/ 20.00 %/  7.24 %)
>> 64:          22228/         126486  17.57 %  (  9.24 %/ 10.08 %/  1.78 %)
>>  0:            434/         125302   0.35 %  (  0.18 %/  0.16 %/  0.00 %)
>>256:   199684387796/   252176024910  79.18 %  ( 41.58 %/ 39.84 %/ 31.62 %)
>>192:   144180561569/   250657500913  57.52 %  ( 30.02 %/ 29.92 %/ 17.15 %)
>>128:    91542528145/   251545721355  36.39 %  ( 19.06 %/ 20.00 %/  7.28 %)
>> 64:    44187519304/   252439552820  17.50 %  (  9.20 %/ 10.08 %/  1.77 %)
>>  0:      655801494/   249826066892   0.26 %  (  0.14 %/  0.16 %/  0.00 %)
Prio Queue stats (cool-down):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S 346628/  73143 (        146006740244) :  963.04, 670.59,1474.58, 507.26
>>256:          14728/          14728 100.00 %  ( 20.14 %/ 20.14 %/ 40.10 %)
>>192:          14482/          14482 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.61 %)
>>128:          14617/          14617 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14747/          14747 100.00 %  ( 20.16 %/ 20.16 %/ 10.16 %)
>>  0:          14569/          14569 100.00 %  ( 19.92 %/ 19.92 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    29546967944/    29546967944 100.00 %  ( 20.24 %/ 20.24 %/ 40.21 %)
>>192:    28909078333/    28909078333 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.55 %)
>>128:    29030645913/    29030645913 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.83 %)
>> 64:    29792217934/    29792217934 100.00 %  ( 20.40 %/ 20.40 %/ 10.26 %)
>>  0:    28727830120/    28727830120 100.00 %  ( 19.68 %/ 19.68 %/  0.15 %)
>N 346628/ 308543 (        616613010670) :  963.04, 670.59,2237.03, 851.96,   4.26,   0.70
>>256:         131434/         131434 100.00 %  ( 42.60 %/ 39.84 %/ 39.93 %)
>>192:         130792/         130792 100.00 %  ( 42.39 %/ 29.92 %/ 29.84 %)
>>128:          46317/         130871  35.39 %  ( 15.01 %/ 20.00 %/  7.06 %)
>>256:   262750104474/   262750104474 100.00 %  ( 42.61 %/ 39.84 %/ 39.96 %)
>>192:   260925883134/   260925883134 100.00 %  ( 42.32 %/ 29.92 %/ 29.80 %)
>>128:    92937023062/   261807501792  35.50 %  ( 15.07 %/ 20.00 %/  7.09 %)
Wrr Queue stats (cool-down):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S 346628/  73143 (        146006740244) :  876.23, 450.91,1526.68, 526.78
>>256:          14728/          14728 100.00 %  ( 20.14 %/ 20.14 %/ 40.10 %)
>>192:          14482/          14482 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.61 %)
>>128:          14617/          14617 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14747/          14747 100.00 %  ( 20.16 %/ 20.16 %/ 10.16 %)
>>  0:          14569/          14569 100.00 %  ( 19.92 %/ 19.92 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    29546967944/    29546967944 100.00 %  ( 20.24 %/ 20.24 %/ 40.21 %)
>>192:    28909078333/    28909078333 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.55 %)
>>128:    29030645913/    29030645913 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.83 %)
>> 64:    29792217934/    29792217934 100.00 %  ( 20.40 %/ 20.40 %/ 10.26 %)
>>  0:    28727830120/    28727830120 100.00 %  ( 19.68 %/ 19.68 %/  0.15 %)
>N 346628/ 308543 (        616074540458) :  876.23, 450.91,3894.63,3317.97,  11.01,  13.98
>>256:         128131/         131434  97.49 %  ( 41.53 %/ 39.84 %/ 38.93 %)
>>192:          92633/         130792  70.82 %  ( 30.02 %/ 29.92 %/ 21.13 %)
>>128:          58811/         130871  44.94 %  ( 19.06 %/ 20.00 %/  8.97 %)
>> 64:          28415/         131634  21.59 %  (  9.21 %/ 10.08 %/  2.18 %)
>>  0:            553/         130440   0.42 %  (  0.18 %/  0.16 %/  0.00 %)
>>256:   256113390514/   262750104474  97.47 %  ( 41.57 %/ 39.84 %/ 38.95 %)
>>192:   184820218480/   260925883134  70.83 %  ( 30.00 %/ 29.92 %/ 21.11 %)
>>128:   117859517439/   261807501792  45.02 %  ( 19.13 %/ 20.00 %/  9.00 %)
>> 64:    56411098533/   262741251306  21.47 %  (  9.16 %/ 10.08 %/  2.17 %)
>>  0:      870315492/   260238819990   0.33 %  (  0.14 %/  0.16 %/  0.00 %)
Prio Queue stats (drain):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S      0/  73143 (        146006740244) :  963.04, 670.59,1474.58, 507.26
>>256:          14728/          14728 100.00 %  ( 20.14 %/ 20.14 %/ 40.10 %)
>>192:          14482/          14482 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.61 %)
>>128:          14617/          14617 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14747/          14747 100.00 %  ( 20.16 %/ 20.16 %/ 10.16 %)
>>  0:          14569/          14569 100.00 %  ( 19.92 %/ 19.92 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    29546967944/    29546967944 100.00 %  ( 20.24 %/ 20.24 %/ 40.21 %)
>>192:    28909078333/    28909078333 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.55 %)
>>128:    29030645913/    29030645913 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.83 %)
>> 64:    29792217934/    29792217934 100.00 %  ( 20.40 %/ 20.40 %/ 10.26 %)
>>  0:    28727830120/    28727830120 100.00 %  ( 19.68 %/ 19.68 %/  0.15 %)
>N      0/ 655171 (       1308463560696) :  963.04, 670.59,1808.89, 792.98,   3.00,   1.41
>>256:         131434/         131434 100.00 %  ( 20.06 %/ 20.06 %/ 39.93 %)
>>192:         130792/         130792 100.00 %  ( 19.96 %/ 19.96 %/ 29.84 %)
>>128:         130871/         130871 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.96 %)
>> 64:         131634/         131634 100.00 %  ( 20.09 %/ 20.09 %/ 10.11 %)
>>  0:         130440/         130440 100.00 %  ( 19.91 %/ 19.91 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:   262750104474/   262750104474 100.00 %  ( 20.08 %/ 20.08 %/ 39.96 %)
>>192:   260925883134/   260925883134 100.00 %  ( 19.94 %/ 19.94 %/ 29.80 %)
>>128:   261807501792/   261807501792 100.00 %  ( 20.01 %/ 20.01 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:   262741251306/   262741251306 100.00 %  ( 20.08 %/ 20.08 %/ 10.11 %)
>>  0:   260238819990/   260238819990 100.00 %  ( 19.89 %/ 19.89 %/  0.15 %)
Wrr Queue stats (drain):
>Q    len/ DQ ops (             T. cost) :   E. Mn,  E. SD,  D. Mn,  D. SD,  M. Mn,  M. SD
>>  P:    DQ OPs/Cost/    T. OPs/Cost     DQ %  (A Dist %/C Dist %/P Dist %)
>S      0/  73143 (        146006740244) :  876.23, 450.91,1526.68, 526.78
>>256:          14728/          14728 100.00 %  ( 20.14 %/ 20.14 %/ 40.10 %)
>>192:          14482/          14482 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.61 %)
>>128:          14617/          14617 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:          14747/          14747 100.00 %  ( 20.16 %/ 20.16 %/ 10.16 %)
>>  0:          14569/          14569 100.00 %  ( 19.92 %/ 19.92 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:    29546967944/    29546967944 100.00 %  ( 20.24 %/ 20.24 %/ 40.21 %)
>>192:    28909078333/    28909078333 100.00 %  ( 19.80 %/ 19.80 %/ 29.55 %)
>>128:    29030645913/    29030645913 100.00 %  ( 19.88 %/ 19.88 %/ 19.83 %)
>> 64:    29792217934/    29792217934 100.00 %  ( 20.40 %/ 20.40 %/ 10.26 %)
>>  0:    28727830120/    28727830120 100.00 %  ( 19.68 %/ 19.68 %/  0.15 %)
>N      0/ 655171 (       1308463560696) :  876.23, 450.91,5039.85,9403.06,  24.06,  69.38
>>256:         131434/         131434 100.00 %  ( 20.06 %/ 20.06 %/ 39.93 %)
>>192:         130792/         130792 100.00 %  ( 19.96 %/ 19.96 %/ 29.84 %)
>>128:         130871/         130871 100.00 %  ( 19.98 %/ 19.98 %/ 19.96 %)
>> 64:         131634/         131634 100.00 %  ( 20.09 %/ 20.09 %/ 10.11 %)
>>  0:         130440/         130440 100.00 %  ( 19.91 %/ 19.91 %/  0.15 %)
>>256:   262750104474/   262750104474 100.00 %  ( 20.08 %/ 20.08 %/ 39.96 %)
>>192:   260925883134/   260925883134 100.00 %  ( 19.94 %/ 19.94 %/ 29.80 %)
>>128:   261807501792/   261807501792 100.00 %  ( 20.01 %/ 20.01 %/ 19.98 %)
>> 64:   262741251306/   262741251306 100.00 %  ( 20.08 %/ 20.08 %/ 10.11 %)
>>  0:   260238819990/   260238819990 100.00 %  ( 19.89 %/ 19.89 %/  0.15 %)
Robert LeBlanc
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