Loic, It's my fault. The dns server I set is unreachable. when I modify
that , everything is ok.
Thanks and Regards,
On 15/9/24 上午1:01, Loic Dachary wrote:
On 23/09/2015 18:50, wangsongbo wrote:
Sage and Loic,
Thanks for your reply.
I am running teuthology in our testing.I can send a traceroute to
but when ceph-cm-ansible run the " yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only" command,
it got such a response :"http://apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com/misc-rpms/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 7 - "Failed connect to apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com:80; Connection timed out"
And I replace "apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com" to "" in repo file, then run "yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only" command,
I got a response like this:" [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 502 Bad Gateway""
I do not know whether it was affected by the last week's attack.
Querying the IP directly won't get you where the mirror is (it's a vhost). I think ansible fails because it queries the DNS and does not use the entry you set in the /etc/hosts file. The OpenStack teuthology backend sets a specific entry in the DNS to workaround the problem (see https://github.com/ceph/teuthology/blob/master/teuthology/openstack/setup-openstack.sh#L318)
Thanks and Regards,
On 15/9/23 下午11:22, Loic Dachary wrote:
On 23/09/2015 15:11, Sage Weil wrote:
On Wed, 23 Sep 2015, Loic Dachary wrote:
On 23/09/2015 12:29, wangsongbo wrote: apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com
It works for me. Could you send a traceroute
apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com ?
This is a private IP internal to the sepia lab. Anythign outside the lab
shouldn't be using it...
This is the public facing IP and is required for teuthology to run outside of the lab (http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/12212). apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com
suggests the workaround was used. And a traceroute will confirm if the resolution happens as expected (with the public IP) or with a private IP (meaning the workaround is not in place where it should).
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