Re: Bounding OSD memory requirements during peering/recovery

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So, memory usage of an OSD is usually linear in the number of PGs it
hosts. However, that memory can also grow based on at least one other
thing: the number of OSD Maps required to go through peering. It
*looks* to me like this is what you're running in to, not growth on
the number of state machines. In particular, those past_intervals you
mentioned. ;)

Anyway, I'm afraid I don't have any magic cure-all for you. This kind
of long-term dirtied Ceph cluster is something I've only seen once or
twice and I've never led a recovery on them. But the effort usually
involves, as you've done, limiting the number of OSDs per host that
are doing recovery at once (which probably means starting one OSD at a
time until stability, rather than one per host!), disabling recovery
(as you've already done), ...and occasionally hacking up the map
history. :/

Good luck!

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:05 AM, David McBride <dwm37@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to understand the memory requirements for a Ceph node,
> particularly when it is undergoing recovery.
> Comments, suggestions, pointers are all welcome.
> (This is my second attempt at sending this email; it appeared to get eaten
> the first time — probably because it had a 1MB .heap file attached.)
> Background:
> ==========
> I've got a fairly tortured prototype Ceph cluster.  It was left
> unattended for several months, as I'd been needed to work elsewhere —
> but now I'm returning to it, with an eye to continue to building
> production services on it if I have sufficient confidence in its
> capabilities.
> In the intervening time, several root filesystems on cluster nodes went
> full (because of poorly configured logging, as well as MONs being
> co-located with OSDs for expediency) and several drives were also
> unceremoniously pulled out for reuse elsewhere.
> A subsequent recovery is proving problematic: if all OSDs are started
> concurrently, they are substantially exceeding the amount of RAM
> available on the hosts during peering, and are being killed off by the
> kernel OOM killer.
> (And then subsequently being restarted by Upstart, resulting in
> thrashing for a while, up until something unknown goes awry and the
> machine stops sending telemetry and no-longer responds to SSH.  That's a
> separate problem.)
> Looking at tcmalloc-accounted heap statistics, I've seen individual OSDs
> using 9GB+ of RAM; looking at RSS sizes of individual machines, I've
> seen process-images exceeding 16GB.  On 12-disk machines with 32GB of
> RAM each, this is problematic.
> So, I've started looking at the data-structures and algorithms that
> govern OSD recovery.  I've found the following references:
> … and hope to develop an understanding of an upper bound on memory
> utilization that an efficient implementation of the algorithms described
> would require.
> I've also been trying to collect memory profiles for OSD processes as
> they're operating, to compare theory with reality.
> Memory profiling:
> ================
> For example, having found an OSD using ~6GB of memory, I turned on heap
> profiling, and dumped its state using `ceph tell osd.N heap
> start_profiler; ceph tell osd.N heap dump`:
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> MALLOC:     6167528240 ( 5881.8 MiB) Bytes in use by application
>> MALLOC: +     18309120 (   17.5 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist
>> MALLOC: +     39689152 (   37.9 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist
>> MALLOC: +      4750960 (    4.5 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist
>> MALLOC: +     25223840 (   24.1 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists
>> MALLOC: +     27603096 (   26.3 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata
>> MALLOC:   ------------
>> MALLOC: =   6283104408 ( 5992.0 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)
>> MALLOC: +      2080768 (    2.0 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)
>> MALLOC:   ------------
>> MALLOC: =   6285185176 ( 5994.0 MiB) Virtual address space used
>> MALLOC:         374907              Spans in use
>> MALLOC:            335              Thread heaps in use
>> MALLOC:           8192              Tcmalloc page size
>> ------------------------------------------------
> However, the heap dumps so generated only appear to show memory
> allocations (made? touched?) since heap profiling was enabled:
>> google-pprof --text /usr/bin/ceph-osd osd.25.profile.0001.heap
>> Using local file /usr/bin/ceph-osd.
>> Using local file osd.25.profile.0001.heap.
>> Total: 0.0 MB
>>      0.0  46.7%  46.7%      0.0  59.0% SimpleMessenger::add_accept_pipe
>> [...]
> Note the "Total: 0.0MB", which differs wildly from the stats reported by
> tcmalloc, and the RSS of the process reported by the kernel.
> So, for testing purposes, I selectively started up ~20% of the OSDs,
> each invoked with the setting
> … defined in their environmentment to cause the heap profiler to be
> started at OSD start-time.  This has a significant CPU and memory
> overhead.
> Also set were the cluster flags:
>   noout,nobackfill,norecover,noscrub,nodeep-scrub
> … to avoid commingling memory requirements due to peering with other
> factors.
> I've produced a number of .heap files which show >= 1000MB of memory
> allocated in an RB tree as a result of
> PG::RecoveryState::RecoveryMachine::send_notify, PG::read_info and
> MOSDPGNotify::decode_payload (or descendants).
> An example heapfile from a fairly typical OSD can currently be fetched from:
> This was produced by the binaries from the Ceph 'trusty' repository; `ceph
> -v` returns:
>> ceph version 0.92 (00a3ac3b67d93860e7f0b6e07319f11b14d0fec0)
> Running pprof in interactive mode and running `top30 --cum` on this heapfile
> reports:
>> Total: 2172.3 MB
>>   1705.9  78.5%  78.5%   1748.4  80.5% __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::construct
>> (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%   1600.7  73.7% std::_Rb_tree::_M_create_node
>> (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%   1367.9  63.0% start_thread
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%   1367.6  63.0% ioperm
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    963.4  44.4% ThreadPool::worker
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    963.3  44.3% ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    951.0  43.8% OSD::process_peering_events
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    950.9  43.8% OSD::PeeringWQ::_process
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7% PG::RecoveryState::handle_event
>> (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7%
>> boost::statechart::detail::send_function::operator (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7%
>> boost::statechart::simple_state::react_impl
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7%
>> boost::statechart::state_machine::process_event (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7%
>> boost::statechart::state_machine::send_event
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7% local_react (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7% local_react_impl (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7% operator (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    949.8  43.7% react (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    948.5  43.7% std::vector::push_back (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    948.3  43.7%
>> PG::RecoveryState::RecoveryMachine::send_notify
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    947.1  43.6% std::vector::_M_insert_aux
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    947.0  43.6% _Rb_tree (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    947.0  43.6% map (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    947.0  43.6% std::_Rb_tree::_M_clone_node
>> (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    947.0  43.6% std::_Rb_tree::_M_copy
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    809.8  37.3% construct (inline)
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    808.4  37.2% std::pair::pair
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    804.2  37.0% __libc_start_main
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    804.2  37.0% _start
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    804.2  37.0% main
>>      0.0   0.0%  78.5%    803.6  37.0% OSD::init
> This appears to show a large amount of memory — nearly a gigabyte —
> allocated by boost::statechart, which is slightly surprising as the FAQ for
> boost::statechart quotes a ~1KB memory footprint per state-machine:
> Perhaps something unexpected is happening here?  I'm almost hoping that
> perhaps statechart is perhaps being subtly misused or misconfigured in some
> way that, if fixed, would result in a significant drop in memory
> utilization…!
> Quantifying problem-size:
> ========================
> Given that it appears to be the log-merging stage of PG recovery that
> seems to be expensive, I queried the statistics of those PGs which
> seemed to be taking a long time to peer, via `ceph pg <pgid> query`.
> These showed that (at least a handful) of those PG's recovery_state
> past_intervals list contained on the order of ~200-300 entries.
> (I have no feel as to whether this is excessive.)
> Unused memory:
> =============
> One thing I note is that I still sometimes see OSDs with large fractions of
> their memory allocation sitting on the tcmalloc freelist, e.g.:
>> osd.0 tcmalloc heap stats:------------------------------------------------
>> MALLOC:     2226810584 ( 2123.7 MiB) Bytes in use by application
>> MALLOC: +   1421361152 ( 1355.5 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist
>> MALLOC: +     41864920 (   39.9 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist
>> MALLOC: +      5215680 (    5.0 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist
>> MALLOC: +     18508944 (   17.7 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists
>> MALLOC: +     16216216 (   15.5 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata
>> MALLOC:   ------------
>> MALLOC: =   3729977496 ( 3557.2 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)
>> MALLOC: +     32792576 (   31.3 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)
>> MALLOC:   ------------
>> MALLOC: =   3762770072 ( 3588.5 MiB) Virtual address space used
>> MALLOC:         144565              Spans in use
>> MALLOC:            225              Thread heaps in use
>> MALLOC:           8192              Tcmalloc page size
>> ------------------------------------------------
> This is despite having:
> … set in the environment of each OSD process.  This doesn't help with
> contention for RAM between processes!
> (I have mentioned this before, though hadn't at that time yet tried running
> … for history.
> Note for anyone intending to reproduce this experiment: Upstart overrides
> should be written to a file named /etc/init/ceph-{osd,mon}.override, not
> ceph-{osd,mon}.conf.override as I incorrectly specified previously.)
> Leak detection:
> ==============
> Not yet being familiar with the the data-structures or algorithms that
> govern PG recovery, it's not clear to me whether this is memory usage
> that is expected or not for a 120-OSD cluster with 2048 PGs — or
> whether there might be some variety of leak (or inefficient memory-use
> pattern.)
> It doesn't help that I'm not a C++ hacker. :-)
> Reading around the subject, I came across `leaksanitiser`, a clang/LLVM:
> facility:
> … as well as ticket #9756, which suggests using Clang's other static
> analysis capabilities to help flag potentially problematic code:
> I might spend some time this weekend to see if I can help advance that
> ticket.
> (I note that now returns 404; perhaps
> that has been superceded by some RedHat-internal facility?)
> Cheers,
> David
> --
> David McBride <dwm37@xxxxxxxxx>
> Unix Specialist, University Information Services
> --
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