The matter of json decoding was brought up as part of the discussion of the ceph management api. I recently had to deal with it with the rados gateway, as I wasn't too happy was the current mechanisms that were used for this purpose. So I introduced a new decode_json() functionality (now in common/ceph_json.* at the wip-json-decode branch). It's very similar to the regular encode/decode stuff that we use to encode/decode structures. Encoding is being done using the already existing dump() method, and decoding will be done through the new decode_json() method. As an example we'll define a new UserInfo structure: struct UserInfo { string uid; string display_name; int max_buckets; list<Key> keys; void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; The dump() method will look like this: void UserInfo::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->open_object_section("user_info"); f->dump_string("user_id", uid); f->dump_string("display_name", display_name); f->dump_int("max_buckets", (int)max_buckets); f->open_array_section("keys"); for (list<Key>::iterator iter = keys.begin(); siter != keys.end(); ++iter) { iter->dump(f); } f->close_section(); f->close_section(); } It is recommended that every dump() method opens an object section and puts everything within, so that every object could be easily embedded within other objects. We can also probably create some template that will remove the need of doing that inner loop, e.g.: ... f->dump_array("keys", keys); ... In any case, the corresponding json decoding function looks like this: void UserInfo::decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("user_id", uid, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("display_name", display_name, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("max_buckets", max_buckets, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("keys", keys, obj); } and we'll decode the structure like this: ... UserInfo user_info; JSONParser parser; if (!parser.parse(buf, len)) return -EINVAL; ... try { user_info.decode(&parser); } catch (JSONDecoder::err& e) { ... } The default behavior is that every field is optional, so that it just ignores fields that are not found in the json structure. If a field is set to be mandatory (by extra param to the decode_json()), then an exception will be thrown. Note that all fields should be initialized to the default value before decoding as passed json might not contain any relevant field. Yehuda -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at