It's a bit different with rbd, as there's no "current dir", but I do
tend to agree that "like every other place pool defaults, which means
'rbd' literally" is more correct. See my RFC from today:
"RFC: incompatible change to rbd tool behavior on copy"
On 11/15/2012 08:43 AM, Deb Barba wrote:
This is not common UNIX/posix behavior.
if you just give the source a file name, it should assume "." (current
directory) as it's location, not whatever path you started from.
I would expect most UNIX users would be losing a lot of files if they
try to copy from path x/y/z, and just provide a new name. that would
indicate they wanted it stashed in ".". Not cloned in path x/y/z .
I am concerned this would confuse most users out in the field.
Deborah Barba
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 10:43 PM, Andrey Korolyov <andrey@xxxxxxx
<mailto:andrey@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Dan Mick <dan.mick@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:dan.mick@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> On 11/12/2012 02:47 PM, Josh Durgin wrote:
>> On 11/12/2012 08:30 AM, Andrey Korolyov wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> For this version, rbd cp assumes that destination pool is the
same as
>>> source, not 'rbd', if pool in the destination path is omitted.
>>> rbd cp install/img testimg
>>> rbd ls install
>>> img testimg
>>> Is this change permanent?
>>> Thanks!
>> This is a regression. The previous behavior will be restored for
>> I added to track it.
> Actually, on detailed examination, it looks like this has been
the behavior
> for a long time; I think the wiser course would be not to change this
> defaulting. One could argue the value of such defaulting, but
it's also
> true that you can specify the source and destination pools
> Andrey, any strong objection to leaving this the way it is?
I`m not complaining - this behavior seems more logical in the first
place and of course I use full path even doing something by hand.
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