Am 07.11.2012 22:55, schrieb Martin Mailand:
Hi Stefan,
deep buffers means latency spikes, you should go for fast switching
latency. The HP5900 has a latency of 1ms, the Arista and Mellanox of 250ns.
HP told me they all use the same ships and Arista measures latency while
only one port is in use. HP guarentees the latency when all ports are in
use. If this is correct or just somehing hp told me - i don't know. They
told me the arista is slower and the statistics are not comporable...
> And I you should think at the price the HP5900 cost 3 times of the
> Mellanox.
Don't know what the Mellanox coests. I get the HP for a really good
price below 10.000 €.
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