On 16/05/12 02:43, Gregory Farnum wrote:
On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Vladimir Bashkirtsev
<vladimir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 03/05/12 16:23, Greg Farnum wrote:
On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Vladimir Bashkirtsev wrote:
Apologies for multiple emails: my mail server is backed by ceph now and
it struggled this morning (separate issue). So my mail server reported
back to my mailer that sending of email failed when obviously it was not
the case.
Interesting — I presume you're using the file system? That's not something
we've heard of anybody doing with Ceph before. :)
[root@gamma ~]# ceph -s
2012-05-03 15:46:55.640951 mds e2666: 1/1/1 up {0=1=up:active}, 1
2012-05-03 15:46:55.647106 osd e10728: 6 osds: 6 up, 6 in
2012-05-03 15:46:55.654052 log 2012-05-03 15:46:26.557084 mon.2 2878 : [INF] mon.2 calling new monitor election
2012-05-03 15:46:55.654425 mon e7: 3 mons at
2012-05-03 15:46:56.961624 pg v1251669: 600 pgs: 2 creating, 598
active+clean; 309 GB data, 963 GB used, 1098 GB / 2145 GB avail
Loggin is on but nothing obvious in there: logs quite small. Number of
ceph health logged (ceph monitored by nagios and so this record appears
every 5 minutes), monitors periodically call for election (different
periods between 1 to 15 minutes as it looks). That's it.
Hrm. Generally speaking the monitors shouldn't call for elections unless
something changes (one of them crashes) or the leader monitor is slowing
Can you increase the debug_mon to 20, the debug_ms to 1, and post one of
the logs somewhere? The "Live Debugging" section of
http://ceph.com/wiki/Debugging should give you what you need. :)
Here's the logs and core dumps:
Mons grown to 1.2GB and 2GB of memory.
When I look at the logs for mon.0, I see that there are a lot of
places where mon.0 takes tens of seconds to write something to disk.
If the disk is just about full, that might make sense (many
filesystems don't handle a nearly-full disk very well at all); and a
monitor getting stuck for that long could definitely explain why they
start using up so much memory (they're buffering messages). I suspect
that there's not anything particularly wrong here, unless I'm
misunderstanding the story you're telling me. :) Have you noticed this
problem when the monitor's disk partition isn't nearly full?
I have recreated conditions when mon started to consume more memory:
everything appears in line with your suspicions. When disk gets almost
full, mon slows down and finally crashes quite badly so I cannot recover
it. I am forced then to destroy mon all together and create a new one
Long story short: in docs/wiki it should be stated as recommendation NOT
to keep monfs on the same partition as ceph log (which can grow quickly)
and preferably keep it on separate partition all together.
In the same time it begs another question: what it recommended partition
size for monfs?
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