Re: your session only lasted less than 10 seconds error

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I dont whether u read the entire thing whch i posted in my first mail
at d botom of the post i gave u d error mesg whch i m geting
Read d post first and i knw wt putty is
I said dt i cannt able to login to my machine anymore and i cant get
any logs as i m unable to log into d machine.
 As for the posts i m not the one who started speaking rude.

On 5/12/10, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx <m.roth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear roth
>> This is wt u have started using of filthy language.
> "Filthy language"? Did you mean putty, which is a free Windows xterm that
> everyone uses?
> Or did you mean me telling you to read the *ahem* fine manuals?
>> For your kind info when some one starts learning obviously makes mistake.
>> This is the reaosn i have installed it in vbox
>> Any way thank you for ur help i reinstalled my machine
>> It is obviously the cent os which got crashed not the vbox i think u
>> can get this from the error i have posted
> And you have posted *no* error. What was in /var/log/messages? Or what was
> on the monitor when it crashed?
>        mark
>> On 5/12/10, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx <m.roth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Chaitanya,
>>>    First, please stop top posting. Email is like a conversation, and
>>> simply makes more sense if you go to the end, just like reading a
>>> conversation. DO delete irrelevant stuff.
>>>>> Chaitanya wrote:
>>>> This is the exact scenario of my machine.
>>>> i am running the cent os under my virtual box and i have made a network
>>>> bridge to that VBOX
>>> So, what's the host o/s, Windows?
>>>> so from my machine i connect to the VBOX using the Xshell.
>>> What are you using, putty?
>>>> and by the way i am new to linux and this is my test machine so that i
>>>> do
>>>> some testing.
>>> So READ UP on Linux/Unix.
>>>> this is the F reason i am using the root user.
>>> DON'T. Either use root only to do maintenance, or just use sudo to do
>>> that. Do *not* test as a root user, except for things only root can do.
>>>> what ever os is it i dont think logging in as root user will crash the
>>>> system.
>>> It won't. However, if you're exposed to the 'Net, you are begging anyone
>>> who finds a way to break in to take over your system. Also, doing things
>>> as root, esp. if you don't know what you're doing, is a wonderful way to
>>> destroy it. Think "format c:/".
>>>> regarding the halt command i used it to check what this command will do
>>>> and this one i have done from the F manual only.
>>> I have no idea what the "F manual" is. From the command line,
>>> prompt> man halt
>>> Linux, unlike Windows, comes with man pages for almost all commands.
>>>> but now my VBOX machine crashed.
>>> CentOS crashed, or the VBOX?
>>> <snip>
>>>         mark
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>> Chaitanya
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