Phil Schaffner wrote:
A GRUB boot CD (or floppy) will allay the above concerns. Do an "info
grub" to find out how to create one. Can also boot from install media
to recover a lost GRUB.
I did not find an option during the install prep to re-locate grub to
the MBR of /dev/sdb. I probably should try the text-based installer
to see if there are more options.
It is there in the GUI installer - can't remember exactly where without
going through the install, but something like an "Advanced" button on a
configuration page toward the end of the process.
Heck, I may just remove the 9550 board until the initial os install is
completed. That should accomplish what I am trying to achieve. Just
seems like there should be a more elegant way of doing this.
I am installing 5.1 because I have the isos on hand. I was just going
to let yum update me to 5.2...
That should work.
Thanks for your help,
CentOS mailing list
Thanks for your input. I did find the location of the grub install
modification. Strange thing is, when I restarted the install, grub
defaulted to the MBR of /dev/sdb. I did not change any hardware or bios
settings in between attempts. I have no idea why the change happened.
Once the install was completed, the OS partition showed up as /dev/sda,
even though it showed up as /dev/sdb during the installation process.
Grub is apparently happily residing in the MBR of /dev/sda. Again, I
can't explain it.
If you (or anyone else) has insights to this behaviour, or can point me
to where I can read up on it, I would appreciate it.
Thanks again for all your help.
CentOS mailing list