Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
The package names are different, so probably "geoip" (from RPMforge)
obsoletes "GeoIP" from CentOS.
In that case, for priorities to work and exclude the one that
obsoletes the other, you have to set this option in the [main] section
of /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf:
Look for the thread about perl-DBD-mysql vs. perl-DBD-MySQL, it's
probably the same issue.
Yes Filipe, that's it!
Obviously, I overlooked this option in priorities.conf.
The below text is from
"Some packages specify obsoletes in their metadata. This property of a
package specifies which old packages with a different name the package
replaces. This can intefere with the priority protection of packages, if
a package from a low-priority repository contains an obsoletion for
package from a high-priority repository. For instance, if the gconfmm2
package was installed from a high-priority repository, and another
package (say gconfmm20) claims to replace the obsolete gconfmm2 package,
Yum will replace the gconfmm2 package with the gconfmm20 package. This
plugin can prevent such upgrades, by adding the following line to the
main section of /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf: check_obsoletes=1 "
This option works nice.
Thank you for the hint.
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