Re: Disk quotas for Sendmail

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on 8-21-2008 4:10 AM Jussi Hirvi spake the following:
On 8/21/08, Jussi Hirvi <greenspot-i5Z6UQdXNTIES5aQMQQu3w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
CentOS 5.x, Sendmail 8.13.8. <http://8.13.8.>
I would like to start using disk quotas on my Sendmail server, and optimally
they should be configurable by user or group. How can this be done? (I tried
to google, but no success.)
Rudi Ahlers (rudiahlers@xxxxxxxxx) kirjoitteli (21.8.2008 13:55):
If each user's mail is stored in his homefolder, then you just need to enable
user quotas :) man quota & man mtab for the options

The mail is not stored in home folders but in /var/spool/mail. I would
rather keep it that way - and I'm not sure if storing mail in home folders
would work for procmail (Sendmail's local mailer), dovecot (pop server) etc.

- Jussi
You can make /var/spool/mail a separate mounted partition, and set user and 
group quotas on that mount and it should work. It might work with it not being 
a separate partition, but that would be up to you to test.
But you can have other problems if you set the warning and maximum levels too 
close. If a message comes in and makes the quota go over the maximum and the 
warning level at the same time, the system won't be able to give the users any 
warning message as their quota will be over and will block the warning message.
You can set procmail to store the messages in other folders, and also set it 
to deliver to Maildir storage by fiddling with (or creating) an 
/etc/procmailrc file.
MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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