Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Tony Schreiner wrote on Wed, 9 Apr 2008 15:29:16 -0400:
I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that one certificate
per hostname was the rule. and I created the certificate with the
hostname I want to use; which is resolvable; and reachable with
regular http over port 80. And that is the only SSL enabled site I
want to use on this server.
I didn't say anything that should make you believe this would not work.
Why do you think that? I just explained that if you want to have *more*
SSL vhosts than you either need more IP addresses or use the same
certificate (wildacrd) for all of them. If you just want to have one SSL
site your are fine.
However, you didn't provide any of the information I asked for. You are
not talking of www.bc.edu, do you?
ok, ok.
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