Re: Complex sendmail alias handling.

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Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
From: John Plemons Sent: March 23, 2007 12:28
OK, why not just add a couple more scripts to the cron job you have now. One for 0600 to 0800 aliases, then run the 0800 to 1600 version, then next 1600 to 1800 version, but you should still be able to do it in the same manor you are handling it in already... Adding 2 more support files should get it done, just use cron to make live as needed...

Yes I know I can do that (and probably will for now) but it not quite
as simple as adding 2 new files. All the work schedules do not coincide
with each other which means I will probably be adding 4 or more files
to the mix and more crontab entries as well. When you consider adding
more people or having them change shifts for some reason it gets even worse. The more complex the setup the less flexible and the more likely
there will be errors.

I really thought there might be soemthing out there like what I need.

I usually handle group addresses as :include: files in sendmail aliases just to make them easier to edit and avoid the need to rebuild the aliases db after changes. All you need is a program to generate the right list at the right times into a tmp name on the same file system, then mv's to the included name for an atomic cutover. You are better off keeping that logic separate from anything else. In fact it doesn't even have to be logical if you put copies of the files where the appropriate shift supervisor or equivalent can edit them.

  Les Mikesell
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