Alfred von Campe wrote:
On Mar 9, 2007, at 14:39, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
there is the following adduser command:
adduser --no-create-home --ingroup openpbx --disabled-password --
disabled-login openpbx
This does NOT seem to be the right format for Centos. So far, using
man, I have come up with;
adduser -M -g openpbx
What else do I need?
I think that --disabled-password is the default if you don't specify a
password, and to disable logins you can use "-s /sbin/nologin" to set
the account's shell.
As Robert has noticed, there si more then one implementation of the
adduser (and useradd) command.
I suggest "passwd -l openpbx" so as to be more confident.
If Robert wants to su to the account, he probably wants a standard
shell, not nologin.
If he doesn't want to tell anyone what happened if they chance to get a
login to openpbx, then /bin/true is a fine shell. nologin prints a
message, true just exits.
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