I'm about to copy the contents of one server onto another. The "plan"
that I've come up with is:
1) boot the new server with a live disc, partition accordingly
2) a big tar-over-ssh for the /boot, and root partitions (that's all
there is)
3) adjust the fstab so that it'll find the new scsi partitions vs. the
old ATA ones.
3) then chroot into the new system and run grub to initialize the
I'm switching a server from a single HD to a SCSI mirror on our new
machine. So it has a different partition setup and I don't want to mess
with resizing.
Does that sound about right to get the machine booted? I'm sure there
will be some other minor things but I can sort that out once I get the
data over and the machine booted.
Satyajot (Ajay) Sharma
System Administrator
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