Alfred von Campe wrote:
On Jul 28, 2006, at 12:25, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Here you are. I had a little bit of fun actually getting the ks.cfg
on this system to include it into this email....
Yes, I know how that is sometimes.
Anyway, the anaconda-ks.cfg file has all the partitioning information
removed by default. I *think* I had to un-comment it to get the
kickstart process to be completely automated. Try un-commenting
everything starting from the clearpart line to the last logvol line to
see if that helps.
And I looked and looked at that file. Of course I uncommented it the
other time.....
Well I am in a 'bootstrap' situation.
I have the isos on a Win2000 server that I have 3Com's little
ftp/tftp app. I don't YET have an HTTP or NFS Linux system to use for
running installs off from.
BTW, any reason you chose ftp over http or NFS?
Well, if you have the CDs, you can still use the ks.cfg file and just
swap the CDs when prompted. Or for that matter, answer all the prompts
manually if you are just boostrapping the first system. It's when you
have to set up multiple systems that kickstart comes in handy.
FTP works. I normally do 'original' installs with: linux askmethod, then
select FTP, statically set up IP, and I am on my way.
I have had too many CD read failures when I was to the last few rpms and
not able to recover.
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