Re: Centos versions in the future?

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On 4/29/21 11:13 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 4/29/21 10:51 AM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:

On 4/29/21 10:34 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 4/27/21 11:45 AM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:

In other words, both of the following are true (IMHO):

A. Johnny's rigorous statement of what CentOS now is (or yours, it
doesn't actually matter who rigorously states it, but Johnny's seemed to
really cover all aspects - maybe it's just my reading though)

B. "CentOS is binary replica of RedHat Enterprise Linux" statement is
not true as far as new releases are concerned, i.e. not true to build
one's future on it

But as everyone is agreed it is counter productive to ponder these
things, I will end my side of it by reiterating:

As was stated at Red hat summit though .. while Stream will not be a
copy of the downstream RHEL code anymore .. it WILL BE extreamly similar
to RHEL + a couple months.  In fact at 8.4 release .. Stream is very
similar t0 RHEL 8.4 with NO WAITING.  CentOS Linux 8 getting upgraded to
the 8.4 source code, tested, isos created, etc .. will take a month or
so, Stream already has all that content in it RIGHT NOW.

Yes, this all sounds nice, but not good enough if you put yourself in my
shoes when I suggest my user:

A. "I am going to install CentOS which is binary replica of RedHat
Enterprise", so whatever works on RedHat Enterprise will work on CentOS
[implying my reputation behind merely an ability to install binary
packages and common sense of what binary files are there on both systems
in questions]

B. There is CentOS which is promised (I am borrowing your phrasing here)
"WILL BE extreamly similar to RHEL + a couple months"

but in the second  case I can not put my reputation at stake and finish
my phrase with "whatever works on RedHat Enterprise will work on CentOS".

So my latest phrasing to my users/machine owners - which I can put my
reputation behind - is:

I am going to install Debian for you, and as in the past whatever works
on some Linux I should be able to make work on your Debian machine.

The last I can put my reputation behind, and my user knows it might not
be as simple as installing binary packages known to work on RedHat
Enterprise, and knows there will be some effort/time on my side involved.

My apologies for breaking my promise to stop pondering the issue ;-(


I think that is a positive , not a negative.

And as I have said several times .. if you (or anyone else) thinks
something works better or Stream does not work for you, that is fine.
Use what you want or like.

We make what we make. If one can use it, great.  If not, that's great as

This is opening up the RHEL creation process in an unbelievable way to
community involvement.  I an proud to have been involved in mkae this
process so open.

Quite agree. For me, not too knowledgeable in these things person, this 
looks exactly what Fedoraa while ago  was: huge opening of RedHat to 
wide open source community. Maybe Fedora didn't live up to the 
expectation, then good luck to CentOS to live up to this expectation.
I hope, no one is offended by my - restricted - view of this, personal 
perception is just that and bound to be restricted to person's knowledge ;-)

I think CentOS Stream is a much more community project that CentOS Linux
ever was.  I also think it is better for the open source community and
Linux distros in general.  For people whole don't think this, we can
agree to disagree.  it does not make either of us right or wrong.

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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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