On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 11:06:20 -0500, Jonathan Billings
<billings@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 10:55:55AM -0500, Jason Warr wrote:
I think that you need to simplify #1 to:
1: Red Hat doesn't ship ZFS
As that is really all that matters and so that people can't argue that
are making a statement of knowledge about what/why Red Hat's lawyers
decided. It does not matter on these lists WHY they don't ship it, just
that they don't.
According to https://access.redhat.com/solutions/79633 :
Root Cause
ZFS is not included in the upstream Linux kernel. Red Hat applies an
"upstream first" policy for kernel modules (including
filesystems). Without upstream presence, ZFS will not be provided nor
supported by Red Hat.
There's a lot of "I Am not a lawyer, but..." discussion in the
comments, but I think this is the best answer from Red Hat as to why
they don't ship ZFS.
And in my experience with Red Hat is the only thing that has any chance of
changing that is if a big enough customer(s) demand it. It has to make
economic sense for them and at this stage it apparently does not.
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