Re: Systemd Adding Its Own Console To Linux Systems

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On 08/10/14 02:25 PM, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
John R Pierce wrote:
On 10/8/2014 11:14 AM, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
John R Pierce wrote:
On 10/8/2014 10:45 AM,m.roth@xxxxxxxxx  wrote:
I want to*WHACK*  Poettering between the eyes, and get his
Maybe that would get past his self-centered self-importance.
look in the mirror.
Why? In what way am I coming up with new complicated overlays for what
we both use, and effectively forcing you to use it?

And note that I used the word "forcing" because most organizations of
any size are about as likely to*completely*  change o/s's to another
as they are to celebrate May Day by running through the streets in the
I was commenting re your constant complaining that you don't like
change, therefore its all wrong/bad/whatever.  In YOUR opinion.
First, I refute that - I do not "constantly complain" that I don't like
change; I do have every right to join others, with all of us complaining
that we dislike a significant sweeping change. And, for that matter, most
of us don't have time in our life to join the fedora developer's list, and
argue there long enough and loudly enough to promote change.
we get it already, give it a rest.    If you want to complain to someone
for choosing to use systemd or whatever, bitch at Red Hat, not CentOS,
and certainly not the CentOS user community (this list).
Does this also apply to everyone else on the list complaining? Why single
me out, esp. since I was *not* the OP for this thread.

The complaining about systemd (again) started with your comment:

Can someone just send the team that's working systemd on a nice vacation,
say, maybe northern Iraq/Syria, the land of ISIS?

You advocated indirectly for a contributor's harm because you don't like his work. Before that, Steve Clark referenced the /. article and Jonathan commented on his preference for Phronix as a news source.
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