Re: Fwd: centos Wireless - Broadcom BCM4313

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Hello Ljubomir,

thanks a million for your answer. I provided some more info below.

Op 08-11-11 11:59, Ljubomir Ljubojevic schreef:
> Vreme: 11/08/2011 07:59 AM, Johan Vermeulen piše:
>> Dear All,
>> I'm trying to configure wireless card on a Dell Vostro 1540.
>> I had a look at this site :
>> wireless card :# /sbin/lspci | grep Broadcom
>> 12:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)
>> I decided to follow the ELrepo instructions suggested on the site :
>> because it would give me a clear and present rpm that I can use on different machines and that will survive kernel updates.
> This is good choice many of us recommend as best solution.

> Question: This is CentOS 6? i386 or x86_64?
this is centos6 x86_64
>> This all goes down without error messages.
> You downloaded appropriate firmware and compiled all of it?

I think so. Exactly as on the site :

As it all installed without errors, I thought I had everything.

>> After installing, there is a new entry in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules :
>> # PCI device 0x14e4:0x4727 (wl)
>> SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="94:39:e5:dc:3a:cf", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"
>> and there is now a blacklist-Broadcom.conf in /etc/modprobe.d/:
>> blacklist b43
>> blacklist b43legacy
>> blacklist bcm43xx
>> blacklist ssb
>> So I think the driver works and the blacklist - issue that is reported on different sites is ok.
> What does "iwlist" command give you?

# iwlist
Usage: iwlist [interface] scanning [essid NNN] [last]
               [interface] frequency
               [interface] channel
               [interface] bitrate
               [interface] rate
               [interface] encryption
               [interface] keys
               [interface] power
               [interface] txpower
               [interface] retry
               [interface] ap
               [interface] accesspoints
               [interface] peers
               [interface] event
               [interface] auth
               [interface] wpakeys
               [interface] genie
               [interface] modulation

that's not good, is it?  :-\

> Have you installed all other packages needed for wireless?

euh...other packages?
>> I then made an entry in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts:
>> vi ifcfg-eth1
> Change the name to ifcfg-wlan0

did that. do I have to change anything in /etc/udev/rules.d as well?

after reboot I now see a cabeled network ( wlan0) ( disconnected) and an 
" Auto wlan0 marked as available....

>> DEVICE="eth1"
> Change to DEVICE="wlan0"
did that
>> #BOOTPROTO="dhcp"
>> HWADDR="94:39:e5:dc:3a:cf"
>> ONBOOT="yes"
>> TYPE=Wireless
> Add this:
> Why is BOOTPROTO disabled?

I thougt the wireless card requesting an ip adress and then dropping 
dead might be the problem. Clearly not...
>> *The problem is*  I'm not seeing any wireless networks.
> <snip>
>> I think I need  to configure something else.
> wpa-suplicant?

I will look that up.
>> I know a lot of you guys don't like NetworkManager but because it's a laptop I would like to use it.
>> I hope I gave enough info, any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> greetings, James.
>> Centos is here to stay, I'm sure.
>> P.S. I don't have an English spell checker on this machine, sorry for language mistakes :=)
> Do not worry about it, most native speaking English don't bother to
> write correctly.

thanks again!

greetings, James
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