You are subscribed to one or more CDC code sets email subscription services. Release Date of 7/28/2020 Release notes: This release does not include updates for Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) codes and maps. Release notes and files for VIS code updates are distributed in separate release cycles. General Note regarding this release: Codes with “Last Update” dates after May 8, 2020 and before July 23, 2020 reflect the changes and additions in this release. It includes the following code set updates: - CVX Code Additions and Updates:
CVX Code Additions: Three new CVX codes have been added
Table 1: New Active CVX Codes
CVX Code | Full Vaccine Name | Status | Notes |
205 | influenza, seasonal vaccine, quadrivalent, adjuvanted, .5mL dose, preservative free | Active | Supports new vaccine influenza product in this release for the 2020/2021 season. See CPT code updates | 203 | meningococcal polysaccharide (groups A, C, Y, W-135) tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine .5mL dose, preservative free | Active | Supports new vaccine product in this release. See CPT code updates | 206 | smallpox monkeypox vaccine, live attenuated, preservative free (National Stockpile | Active | National Stockpile product CVX added at request of Military Health. Note that the CDC vaccine code set does not support all stockpile products. No CPT code assigned. |
CVX Code Updates: Two CVX codes have been updated
Table 2: CVX Code Status and Description Changes
CVX Code | Full Vaccine Name | Status | Notes |
62 | human papilloma virus vaccine, quadrivalent | Active | Status changed from Inactive to Active. The status for this CVX was changed to Inactive in error in 2015 when the new Gardasil 9 product was introduced and CVX code 165 added for the 9-valent HPV vaccine. Active NDCs for the Gardasil quadrivalent product are still included as active on the FDA files and DailyMed. These active NDCs remain mapped to CVX 65. | 194 | influenza, Southern Hemisphere, unspecified formulation | Inactive | This CVX code previously had a status of Non-US. This status has been changed to inactive and the description now indicates that this should be used for any administration where the formulation is unknown. There are now active US NDCs mapped to active CVX codes for the Southern Hemisphere influenza. Consistent with other unspecified formulation CVX codes, the status is now shown as “Inactive”. It can be used to document a past vaccine administration where the specific product formulation is not known. | 197 | influenza, high-dose seasonal, quadrivalent, .7mL dose, preservative free | Active | Description changed to identify dose volume that reflects the high-dose vaccine presentation. See CPT code updates. |
- Product Tradename Updates: Three new product tradenames have been added
Table 3: New Vaccine Products
Product Tradename | Manufacturer | MVX Code | CVX Code | CVX Description |
FLUAD Quadrivalent | Seqirus | SEQ
| 205
| Influenza vaccine, quadrivalent, adjuvanted | JYNNEOS | Bavarian Nordic A/S | BN
| 206
| Smallpox monkeypox vaccine (National Stockpile) | MenQuadfi | Sanofi Pasteur | PMC
| 203
| meningococcal polysaccharide (groups A, C, Y, W-135) TT conjugate |
- CPT Code to CVX Mapping Updates: Two CPT to CVX Code maps have been updated
Table 4: CPT to CVX Mapping Updates
CPT Code | CPT Description | CVX Code | CVX Short Description | Comment |
90662 | Influenza virus vaccine (IIV), split virus, preservative free, enhanced immunogenicity via increased antigen content, for intramuscular use | 197 | influenza, high-dose, quadrivalent | CPT 90662 is now mapped to both CVX 135 and newly mapped to CVX Code 197. CVX code 197 supports the new FLUZONE High-Dose Quadrivalent product from Sanofi. Although the CPT does not reference that it is quadrivalent, the manufacturer has advised its customers to use this CPT. CPT 90662 has historically been mapped to CVX 135, Influenza, high dose seasonal, for past season high-dose influenza vaccines (not quadrivalent). All products applicable to CVX code 135 are now retired. To maintain history, we have kept the mapping of CPT 90662 to CVX 135. We will update the mapping if a new CPT that is a better match for CVX code 197 is made available. | 90694 | Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (aIIV4), inactivated, adjuvanted, preservative free, 0.5 mL dosage, for intramuscular use | 205 | Influenza vaccine, quadrivalent, adjuvanted | CPT code 90694 mapping has been changed from the less specific CVX 150, influenza, injectable, quadrivalent, preservative free, to the new CVX code 205 which supports the new FLUAD Quadrivalent product for the 2020/2021 Season and more accurately reflects this CPT code. | 150 | influenza, injectable, quadrivalent, preservative free, | Mapping of CPT code 90694 to CVX code 150 has been removed. It should be noted that the mapping of CPT code 90686 to CVX 150 continues to remain in effect. | 90619 | Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, serogroups A, C, W, Y, quadrivalent, tetanus toxoid carrier (MenACWY-TT), for intramuscular use | 203 | meningococcal polysaccharide (groups A, C, Y, W-135) TT conjugate | CPT code mapped to new CVX code (related to new MenQuadfi product) |
- NDC Unit of Sale and Unit of Use Code Updates:
2020/2021 Seasonal Flu Vaccines: Table 5 below lists the 2020/2021 influenza season vaccines that are new (N), and the associated 2019/2020 seasonal vaccines that have been retired (R)
Table 5: Seasonal Influenza NDCs
Sale Proprietary Name | N=New
R=Ret | Sale NDC11 | Use NDC11 | Sale Labeler | CVX | MVX |
Afluria Quadrivalent | N | 33332-0220-20 | 33332-0220-21 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 161 | SEQ | R | 33332-0219-20 | 33332-0219-21 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 161 | SEQ | Afluria Quadrivalent | N | 33332-0320-01 | 33332-0320-02 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 150 | SEQ | R | 33332-0319-01 | 33332-0319-02 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 150 | SEQ | Afluria Quadrivalent | N | 33332-0420-10 | 33332-0420-11 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 158 | SEQ | R | 33332-0419-10 | 33332-0419-11 | Seqirus Pty Ltd. | 158 | SEQ | FLUAD | N | 70461-0020-03 | 70461-0020-04 | Seqirus Inc. | 168 | SEQ | R | 70461-0019-03 | 70461-0019-04(*) | Seqirus Inc. | 168 | SEQ | FLUAD Quadrivalent (1) | N | 70461-0120-03 | 70461-0120-04 | Seqirus Inc. | 205 | SEQ | R | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT | N | 58160-0885-52 | 58160-0885-41 | GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA | 150 | SKB | R | 58160-0896-52 | 58160-0896-41 | GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA | 150 | SKB | Flublok Quadrivalent | N | 49281-0720-10 | 49281-0720-88 | Sanofi Pasteur Inc. | 185 | PMC | R | 49281-0719-10 | 49281-0719-88 | Sanofi Pasteur Inc. | 185 | PMC | FLUCELVAX QUADRIVALENT | N | 70461-0420-10 | 70461-0420-11 | Seqirus Inc. | 186 | SEQ | R | 70461-0419-10 | 70461-0419-11 | Seqirus Inc. | 186 | SEQ | FLUCELVAX QUADRIVALENT | N | 70461-0320-03 | 70461-0320-04 | Seqirus Inc. | 171 | SEQ | R | 70461-0319-03 | 70461-0319-04 | Seqirus Inc. | 171 | SEQ | Flulaval Quadrivalent | N | 19515-0816-52 | 19515-0816-41 | ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec | 150 | IDB | R | 19515-0906-52 | 19515-0906-41 | ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec | 150 | IDB | Flulaval Quadrivalent (2) | N | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | R | 19515-0897-11 | 19515-0897-01 | ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec | 158 | IDB | FLUZONE High-Dose (3) | N | N/A | N/A | N/A | | PMC | R | 49281-0405-65 | 49281-0405-88 | Sanofi Pasteur Inc. | 135 | PMC | FLUZONE High-Dose Quadrivalent (4) | N | 49281-0120-65 | 49281-0120-88 | Sanofi Pasteur Inc. | 197 | PMC | R | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Notes for Table 5 (1) FLUAD Quadrivalent is a new product for the 2020/2021 season (2) Flulaval Quadrivalent multi-dose product has not been provided as this point for the 2020/2021 season. (3) FLUZONE High-Dose (not quadrivalent) has been retired, an no new NDCs provided at this point (4) FLUZONE High-Dose Quadrivalent is a new product for the 2020/2021 season. It was added to the vaccine code set as a new product in late 2019, but is listed here to provide an inclusive list of all the new 2020/2021 vaccine NDCs identified to date (*) FLUAD NDC 70461-0019-04 is listed above as retired, but the end date is not yet updated in this release
The following non-influenza vaccines have been added: Table 6: New Vaccine NDC Sale Proprietary Name | N=New
R=Retired | Sale NDC11 | Use NDC11 | Sale Labeler | CVX | MVX |
MenQuadfi (1) | N | 49281-0590-05 | 49281-0590-58 | Sanofi Pasteur Inc. | 203 | PMC | R | NA | NA |
(1) MenQuadfi is a new product. The NDC Start Date for MenQuadfi is 4/23/2020 – this date is also the effective date for the new related CVX code and the product/tradename associations.
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