CDC Launches New Pneumococcal Vaccination App
Influenza (Flu)

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report
CDC's Influenza Division produces a weekly influenza surveillance report, FluView. According to this week's report (Dec 9-15), seasonal influenza activity is at levels above baseline in the United States.

Flu Activity Elevated Nationally
Increases in flu activity summarized in CDC's most recent FluView report have signaled the start of the 2018-2019 influenza season. CDC monitors and analyzes key flu activity indicators every week. After sustained elevated activity is observed across key flu indicators for a number of weeks, flu season is said to have started.

CDC Launches New Pneumococcal Vaccination App: PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor
As influenza activity picks up, we may also see increases in pneumococcal disease rates. Help protect your patients by making sure they are up to date with pneumococcal vaccination. CDC recently launched an app to help vaccination providers quickly and easily determine which pneumococcal vaccines a patient needs and when.
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Traveling this #holidayseason? Whether you're in the airport, on the plane, or spending time with your family once you arrive, make sure you have the best protection against #flu with a #fluvaccine. #FightFlu
Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases |