Health Care, Family, and Community Factors Associated with Mental, Behavioral, and Developmental Disorders and Poverty Among Children Aged 2–8 Years — United States, 2016
Robyn A. Cree, PhD; Rebecca H. Bitsko; PhD; Lara R. Robinson, PhD; et al.
Drug, Opioid-Involved, and Heroin-Involved Overdose Deaths Among American Indians and Alaska Natives — Washington, 1999–2015
Sujata Joshi, MSPH; Thomas Weiser, MD; Victoria Warren-Mears, PhD
Nationally, American Indians and Alaska Natives have experienced the largest increases in drug and opioid-involved overdose mortality rates compared with other racial/ethnic groups.
Rabies in a Dog Imported from Egypt — Connecticut, 2017
Yonette Hercules, MHSc; Nelva J. Bryant, DVM; Ryan M. Wallace, DVM; et al.
Trends and Gaps in National Blood Transfusion Services — 14 Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2014–2016
Udhayashankar Kanagasabai, MD; Michelle S. Chevalier, MD; Bakary Drammeh, DrPH; et al.
Notes from the Field: Infections After Receipt of Bacterially Contaminated Umbilical Cord Blood–Derived Stem Cell Products for Other Than Hematopoietic or Immunologic Reconstitution — United States, 2018
Kiran M. Perkins, MD; Samantha Spoto, MSPH; Danielle A. Rankin, MPH; et al.
- QuickStats: Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Pain at Which Opioids Were Given or Prescribed, by Patient Age and Year — National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2005–2016
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Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention