MMWR is pleased to present the latest in its “Defining Moments in MMWR History” podcast series: Possible Association between Zika Virus Infection and Microcephaly Brazil -- 2015.
In this new podcast, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, Editor-in-Chief of MMWR, interviews Dr. Peggy Honein, co-lead for the Pregnancy and Birth Defects Task Force for CDC’s Zika response, who currently serves as an epidemiologist and Acting Director of the Division of Congenital and Developmental Disorders at CDC. Dr. Honein shares her first-hand account of CDC’s investigation of Zika and microcephaly.
The “Defining Moments in MMWR History” podcast series highlights the leading role that MMWR has played in reporting historic public health events.
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New Defining Moments in @CDCMMWR History #podcast: Zika – Dr. Sonja Rasmussen chats with Dr. Peggy Honein and revisits the 2015 #Zika outbreak. |