Managing Diabetes at School Playbook
Goodbye, summer. Hello, homework. And guess what—the first assignment isn’t for kids. Parents, make a game plan to ensure all the bases are covered for your child’s diabetes care at school.
Turtles and Frogs
Healthy reptiles and amphibians can carry Salmonella and other germs that make people sick. But there's good news! You can take steps to keep you and your family healthy around these pets.
Adults With Chronic Conditions: Get Vaccinated
Vaccines are recommended for all adults to help prevent getting and spreading diseases. Vaccines are especially important for those with chronic conditions, who are more likely to develop complications from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Find out which vaccines are recommended for you.
Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke
Dry conditions in parts of the United States increase the potential for wildfires in or near wilderness areas. Stay alert for wildfire warnings and take action to protect yourself and your family from wildfire smoke.
Mumps vaccine is the best way to protect your child against mumps, a contagious disease that can cause serious complications.