November 2010
New from CDC
Surveillance of Screening-Detected Cancers (Colon and Rectum, Breast, and Cervix) – United States, 2004-2006
Approximately half of colorectal and cervical cancer cases and one third of breast cancer cases were diagnosed at a late stage of disease. Incidence rates of late-stage cancer differed by age, race/ethnicity, and state. Incidence rates of late-stage breast cancer were highest among women aged 60-79 years and black women. Incidence rates of late-stage cervical cancer were highest among women aged 50-79 years and Hispanic women. The percentage of persons who
received recommended screening differed by age, race/ethnicity, and state.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2009
Women and infants disproportionately bear the long-term consequences of STDs. Chlamydia rates exceeded gonorrhea rates among women in all states. During 2008–2009, the rate of chlamydial infections in women increased from 579.4 to 592.2 cases per 100,000 females. The gonorrhea rate for women (105.5 cases per 100,000 females) decreased in 2009 for the second time in 2 years. During 2008–2009, the gonorrhea rate decreased 10.3% for those aged
15–19 years
and decreased 7.4% for those aged 20–24 years.
Trends in Intake of Energy and Macronutrients in Adults From 1999-2000 through 2007-2008
In 2007-2008 the average energy intake for men was 2,504 kilocalories (kcals) and for women it was 1,771 kcals. For 2007-2008, the average carbohydrate intake was 50.5% kcals for women; average protein intake was 15.5% kcals for women; average total fat intake was 33.5% kcals for women; and average saturated fat intake was 11.1% kcals for women.
Rates of New Lung Cancer Cases
Among women, white women had the most new cases of lung cancer, followed by black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic women. Overall, 55.0 out of every 100,000 women were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2006.
Holiday Food Safety during Pregnancy
Learn how to keep you and your unborn baby healthy this holiday season by being food safe.
New Group B Strep Prevention Guidelines and Free Group B Strep Materials from CDC
New group B strep prevention guidelines were published in the November 19 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report along with the launch of a new group b strep website. CDC is offering FREE group B strep print materials, including brochures in English and Spanish, flyers, and booklets about germ prevention during pregnancy. These can be ordered online at The deadline for
placing orders is December 10, 2010.
Importance of HIV Testing: CDC Vital Signs Report
More than one million Americans are living with HIV and approximately one in five don't know it. Everyone should be tested for HIV and those at increased risk should be tested at least annually.
Managing Diabetes during the Holidays
Having diabetes shouldn't stop you from enjoying holiday celebrations and travel. With some planning and a little work, you can stay healthy on the road and at holiday gatherings with friends and family.
Pregnant? Don’t Smoke
Quitting smoking can be hard, but it is one of the best ways a woman can protect herself and her baby's health. For free help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
National Prematurity Awareness Month
More than a half million babies in the United States—that's 1 in every 8—are born premature each year. Some babies are so small they could fit in the palm of your hand. If you're pregnant, learn about the risk factors for premature birth.
CDC Conferences and Meetings
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference, December 15–17, San Antonio, Texas
45th National Immunization Conference, March 28-31, Washington, D.C.
2011 CDC Diabetes Translation Conference, April 11–14, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3rd National Summit on Preconception Health & Healthcare, June 12-14, Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL