We invite you to attend the Data Users Conference, August 11-13, in Washington, DC. If you currently use or have a need to use NCHS data, this conference is for you. Information on all NCHS surveys and data collections will be presented. Hands-on workshops will help you use and analyze data. Health, United States will have a booth in the exhibit hall. Please stop by. There is no fee to attend this biennial conference, but you must register. See the announcement below for more information. NCHS 2008 Data Users Conference August 11-13 OMNI Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2008 Data Users Conference is being held from August 11 through August 13 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. This free conference is held biennially to bring the latest information on NCHS data to researchers and other data users from around the country. This year we are excited to have Dr. Peter Orszag, Director of the Congressional Budget Office as our keynote speaker on Monday morning. We've asked him to reflect on emerging challenges in health policy that require new data or new uses for existing data, both from NCHS and other organizations. All of the NCHS data systems will be represented with informational sessions, hands-on workshops and exhibits. There is no charge for the conference, but registration is required. Sessions are filling up rapidly. You'll find all you need to know at the conference website: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/events/duc2008/duc_announce.htm. If you are coming from out of town and need a room, please contact the OMNI Shoreham directly at 202 234-0700 as soon as possible. They have a block of rooms reserved at the government rate for the conference. However, rooms are filling up fast and the government rate won't be available much longer. If you need more specific information, you can contact the conference co-chair Mary Moien at mailto:mxm3@xxxxxxxx Please circulate to any interested colleagues. ___________________________________________________________ You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the HUS mailing list. The HUS mailing list is meant to provide information about the annual releases of and periodic updates to the NCHS publication: Health, United States To leave this list at any time, send an email message to LISTSERV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with a blank subject line and the command SIGNOFF HUS in the body of the message. ____________________________________________________________