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Volume 3 Number 7 November 2005
the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) approaches a 10-year
milestone, NIOSH is requesting your assistance in planning for the future of
occupational safety and health research for the nation. During the next
several months, NIOSH and our partners will be conducting over a dozen public
meetings throughout the country to address regional and sector-specific needs
in occupational safety and health research. We request your input on
identifying specific diseases, injuries, exposures, populations at risk and
needs of the occupational safety and health systems.
first three town hall meetings include a focus on the construction sector;
the transportation, warehousing and utilities sector; and a more general
regional session in Iowa. The town hall meetings are structured so that any
occupational safety and health topic can be considered. The details
concerning the three initial meetings are as follows:
Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Sector
Monday, December 5, 2005
Holiday Inn College Park
College Park, Maryland
9:00AM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Regional Session
Monday, December 12, 2005
University of Iowa College of Public Health
Iowa City, Iowa
9:00AM – 12:00 Noon Central Time
Construction Sector
Monday, December 19, 2005
University of Chicago School of Public Health
Chicago, Illinois
9:00AM – 5:00PM Central Time
public meetings are open to all employers, workers, professional societies,
organized labor, researchers, health professionals, government officials and other
interested parties. Please join us to make a five minute presentation
describing a significant occupational safety and health problem affecting
your geographic area or sector-specific issues. Everyone is invited to speak,
but to ensure adequate time for all, speakers must register at the NORA Town Hall Meeting Web
site to be added to the agenda.
presentations will be entered into the NORA Docket, and will be used by NORA
Research Councils to help shape sector-specific and related cross-sector
research agendas for the nation. If you cannot participate in or attend one
of the public meetings, you can submit your comments online at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nora.
These meetings are the first of
many public meetings which will occur in the months preceding the NORA Symposium
(April 18-20, 2006 in Washington, DC). Stay tuned to eNews for
information on future town hall meetings. I encourage you to consider ways in
which you might participate.
What’s New
in Nanotechnology
themes emerge from 2nd International Nanotechnology Symposium
The dialogue
As 350 researchers, industry leaders, and government officials from 20
countries gathered for the 2nd International Symposium on Nanotechnology and
Occupational Health, they were encouraged to expand
their knowledge in complementary areas of expertise, forge new friendships
and partnerships, and engage in a collective dialogue to advance the
understanding of this rapidly growing technology.
in partnership with the University of Minnesota Office of the Vice President
for Research, the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology at
Rice University, and the Air Force Research Laboratory sponsored this
international nanotechnology symposium in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October
3-6, 2005.
symposium provided a range of opportunities for individuals from various
disciplines to build on the global dialogue launched during the 1st International
Symposium held last year in Buxton, England. Health
and safety experts also had the opportunity to discuss the latest research
being conducted around nanotechnology and establish new national and
international partnerships.
main meeting was preceded by a comprehensive array of tutorial courses
presented by national and international experts on topics ranging from
nanotechnology overviews to technical details of toxicological studies.
Approximately 70 platform presentations and 40 posters were shared during the
4-day symposium. Presentations and posters focused on topics including
toxicology, exposure assessment, measurement of nanomaterial properties, nanoparticle
classification, regulatory policy, occupational safety and health, and public
health risk.
consistent themes emerged throughout the symposium.
- Research needs to continue to move from in-vitro to
in-vivo studies.
- Sound occupational exposure data are needed.
- Precise, influential, and agreed upon exposure
metrics need to be determined for toxicology and worker exposure: size,
number, mass, surface area, behavior, and transport.
- Agreement needs to be obtained on the parameters of
effective particle classification.
- Standardized terminology needs to be established and
- Central communication sources, such as the NIOSH
Web-dialogue on Safe Nanotechnology and the Nanoparticle Information
Library, need to be fostered as mechanisms for researchers, industry,
government, and the public to retrieve and share updated information.
was also strong agreement among the presenters, participants, and sponsors
that interdisciplinary global collaboration continues to be vital in order to
keep up with the advancements in nanotechnology and ensure proper safety and
health for all workers.
a unique addition to the content of the 1st symposium,
day 4 of the 2nd
symposium was dedicated solely to industry. Attendees
heard from industry leaders about what industry is doing to advance
nanotechnology, how nanotechnology is being used, and what industry needs to
stay abreast of potential occupational safety and health concerns. Day 4 also
included an open forum. As part of the forum, individuals were asked,
“What issues keep you up at night?” Issues discussed included:
- Where can information be found regarding
environmental rules and regulation?
- Sound quantitative data from both industry and the
research community are needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of
control procedures.
- The field of nanotechnology would benefit from an
information exchange between pharmaceutical professionals and
toxicologists to learn how the pharmaceutical industry learned to manage
new potent chemical entities in the absence of complete toxicological
- The areas of combustibility and explosion hazard
continue to have gaps in knowledge.
- There is a real need to consider which workers are
being exposed; equipment maintenance and clean-up possibly posing the
greatest potential for exposure.
- Collaborating with educational institutions in the
early stages of nanotechnology development is a key opportunity.
- Not all nanoparticles are equal. Therefore,
characterization and classification by toxicity and chemical and
physical properties are needed.
- Exploring the possibility of classifying nanoparticles
by behavior rather than toxicity because particle behavior may be a more
accurate classification.
Recommendations to NIOSH
The following recommendations were specifically directed
- Study the effectiveness of N95 respirators at an
increased flow rate for particles below 150 nanometers.
- Identify issues and concerns that small businesses
will face related to nanotechnology, and develop and recommend effective
- Lead the creation and establishment of a central
communication source to share information on developing research, recent
findings, lessons-learned, and general information exchange.
Future Plans for Continued Progress
The 2nd symposium in Minneapolis was successful
in building on initiatives begun at the 1st symposium in Buxton, England.
Please join us in Taiwan for the 3rd International Symposium on
Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health which
will be held in the fall of 2007. Until then, please continue to visit the
NIOSH topic page at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/nanotech
for updated information or to share any relevant information or experiences
you have specific to nanotechnology.
holds nanotechnology policy and planning workshop.
On October 17, 2005 the RAND Corporation, pursuant to a
contract with NIOSH, held a policy and planning meeting to focus on
nanotechnology and occupational safety and health. Leading experts in both
fields along with leadership from key government agencies met to discuss
near-term and long-term needs as nanotechnology and nanomaterials become more
prevalent in the workplace.
to participants at the meeting, NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D., said
“NIOSH believes that for its work to achieve real value, we must engage
with you as our partners--partners in field and laboratory studies; partners
in surveillance and data collection; partners in risk assessment; and
partners in critical review of the accumulating evidence about both the
implications as well as the applications of the emerging field of nanoengineering.”
panel addressed near-term needs including identifying where the greatest need
is for NIOSH involvement, how to establish and communicate “best
practices” to employers and workers, and types of nanomaterials where
government resources should be focused. The discussion of long-term needs
centered on determining the best approach for controlling exposures to nanomaterials,
recognizing the importance of harmonization between government agencies and
with key U.S. trading partners, and identifying ways NIOSH can more
effectively interact with stakeholders as NIOSH develops and implements
workplace nanotechnology research programs. The RAND Corporation will prepare
a report summarizing the workshop proceedings.
discuss nanotechnology health questions in JAMA.
Questions about potential occupational health implications
of nanotechnology are addressed in a news article in the October, 19, 2005
issue of the Journal
of the American Medical Association
(2005;294:1881-1883). In the article, Mark Hoover, senior research physical
scientist at NIOSH, is among the scientists interviewed. He and other
researchers note that the challenge is identifying the unique physical and
chemical properties of the many different nanomaterials and turning that
information into something meaningful for health risk assessment. NIOSH is
addressing this issue by studying the toxicity and health risks associated
with nanoparticle exposure in the workplace. This research is part of a
concerted effort under the National Nanotechnology Initiative, a federal
research and development program coordinating nanoscale science, engineering
and technology research.
Protective Equipment Electronic Listserv Available
eNews readers
interested in receiving information about personal protective equipment (PPE)
can sign-up for a new electronic mailing list available through the NIOSH
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory. You can sign-up by going
to the Web site, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/sub-NPPTL.html.
NIOSH presents
University Safety Award
NIOSH’s collaboration with
the American Chemical Society (ACS), Division of Chemical Health and Safety
resulted in funding the second annual national College and University Health
and Safety Award among university chemical laboratories. This year’s
$1,000 award was equally shared between two universities – the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Nevada-Reno.
The two recipients of the safety award were Louis DiBerardinis representing
the MIT Environmental Health and Safety Office and Steven Oberg representing
the UN-Reno Environmental Health and Safety Department. Mr. DiBerardinis
presented a paper entitled “Building and Implementing an Environmental
Health and Safety Management System in an Academic Environment,” and
Dr. Oberg’s paper was entitled “Integration is a Key to
University Lab Safety Program Success.”
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Announces Reorganization
As of October 6, 2005, NIOSH’s
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) has reorganized
into three branches. The branches are Technology Evaluation, Technology
Research, and Policy and Standards Development. The Technology Evaluation
group is responsible for the respirator certification program as well as the
quality audit program. This quality program addresses periodic audits of
respirator performance or reported problems with deployed units. The
Technology Research branch will carry on research related to innovative
technologies for respiratory protection, sensors for personal protective
technologies, human performance, and PPE ensembles for first responders that
provide improved protection against chemical and biological agents. The
Policy and Standards branch will continue to develop and update standards to
improve safety and health of respirator users, and produce user guidance
The reorganization also created
four new positions for NPPTL called program managers. The four managers will
provide global direction for the respiratory protection, sensors, personal
protective equipment ensembles, and human performance program.
Hurricane Response Update
As the clean-up continues and
rebuilding begins in areas affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma,
NIOSH has assembled additional materials for workers and volunteers. Among
these are the following:
Additional resources on hurricane
clean-up can be accessed on the Hurricane Katrina Response page, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/flood.
NIOSH Issues
First Two Air-Purifying Escape Respirator Approvals for CBRN
NIOSH issued the first two
certificates of approval for air-purifying escape respirators
(APER) with chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear (CBRN) protection. Approval was granted on October 24, 2005, to
Mine Safety Appliances Company for the Safe Escape CBRN APER and on October
28, 2005, to ILC Dover for the SCape CBRN APER.
The approvals signify that the
products are expected to protect the general working population in escape
scenarios from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear exposures that
could be seen at a terrorist event. NIOSH based its determinations on
positive results from rigorous laboratory tests, evaluation of product
specifications for the devices, and assessment of the manufacturer’s
quality control procedures. The action allows the manufacturers to label the
approved devices as NIOSH-certified for occupational use. It does not constitute
a commercial endorsement of the product. The approvals are posted on the
NIOSH Web page at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl.
Public Meeting
Highlights Outreach on Occupational Energy Research Program
Comments, questions, and recommendations by stakeholders on NIOSH’s
Occupational Energy Research Program. In an October 27 public meeting in
Washington, NIOSH convened interested partners to discuss the program’s
background, accomplishments to date, ongoing research, and potential future
directions. The floor remains open for further input.
far under the program, NIOSH has completed 54 research projects, published
151 peer-reviewed products, and compiled a rich database of health and
exposure information for more than 300,000 workers at 15 U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons sites in 13 states. The program began in 1990
under a memorandum of understanding with DOE, to address the question of
whether potential work-related exposures at DOE sites were associated with
risks for cancer or other illnesses.
to the efforts of the past 15 years, scientists no longer are working from a
virtually blank slate to address questions of potential health effects from
low levels of work-related radiation,” said NIOSH Director John Howard,
M.D. “Many directions for strategic research present themselves, and
priorities must be set so that the research dollar is spent as wisely as
possible. Transparency and outreach are critical parts of that process.”
and proceedings from the October 27 meeting will be made available on the
NIOSH Web site when finalized. NIOSH is seeking ideas for future research
related to the program. Suggestions for research can be sent to Patty Gudlewski
at PGudlewski@xxxxxxx. Questions
related to the research program can be sent to Doug Daniels at RDaniels@xxxxxxx or Steve Ahrenholz at SAhrenholz@xxxxxxx. NIOSH will hold
periodic future public meetings like the one on October 27, dates to be
On a separate but related matter,
a public review is being conducted by the National Academies (NA) at the
request of DOE. The review will assess the NIOSH Occupational Energy Research
Program, as well as public health activities conducted under the agreement
with DOE by NIOSH’s fellow agencies in the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC): the National Center for Environmental Health
and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. From the review,
the NA will recommend ways to enhance the scientific merit, focus, and
effectiveness of the initiatives, as well as their impact on DOE’s
policies and decisions. A public meeting of the NA has been scheduled for
November 3-4, 2005. More information can be found at the NA Web site, http://www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/Projects+_by+_PIN/NRSB-O-05-01-A?OpenDocument.
NIOSH Chartbook receives CDC Communication Awards
On October 27, the NIOSH Worker Health Chartbook 2004
received two awards at the annual Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Communicators Roundtable Awards ceremony. The Chartbook received first place
in the category “print communications more than 16 pages.” NIOSH
staff receiving the award were John Sestito, Alan Lunsford, Anne Hamilton and
Roger Rosa. The Chartbook also received first place in the category
“computer-based communications.” Awards went to NIOSH staff John
Sestito, Chris Gjessing, Glenn Doyle and Vern Anderson and to Constella staff
Jane Chen, Joe Cauley and Chris Storms.
The Chartbook [DHHS (NIOSH)
Publication Number 2004-146] is a descriptive epidemiologic reference of
occupational morbidity and mortality in the United States. The document
consolidates and presents an integrated view of occupational safety and
health surveillance data and information from 19 surveillance programs and
surveys of occupational injury and illness in the United States. The Chartbook
includes over 400 figures and tables describing the magnitude, distribution
and trends of the Nation’s occupational injuries, illnesses, and
fatalities. It is a valuable resource for agencies, organizations, employers,
researchers, workers and others who need to know about occupational illnesses
and injuries. The Chartbook can be accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/chartbook.
View the
Redesigned and Improved Mining Safety and Health Web Page
NIOSH has redesigned its Mining Safety and Health Web
page. The updated page incorporates a significant amount of new safety and
health information plus an improved layout to better serve customer needs. It
also provides background information about the NIOSH Mining Research Program
including research awards, core competencies, unique laboratories, community
and educational outreach, and a brief discussion on how the research program
is structured.
redesigned page features improved search capabilities. The “Search
Mining” feature on each page lets one search only the NIOSH Mining
Safety and Health page. The user can still search all of NIOSH using the
“Search NIOSH” option. The expanded “Safety and Health
Topics” have been reorganized for ease in finding information. Each
topic page now has a significant amount of new and updated information, as
well as links to related topics of interest. All topics can be accessed from
the home page.
than 650 mine safety and health publications are now downloadable from the
page. Short summaries let the user quickly identify publications of interest.
The updated page offers over 120 NIOSH mine safety and health products,
including training exercises, toolbox talks, videos, computer software,
guides and checklists, many of which are downloadable.
The new page can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining.
If you have comments or would like additional information, please contact
Mike Brnich at MBrnich@xxxxxxx.
NIOSH Morgantown
Wellness Center receives Silver Award
The NIOSH Morgantown Wellness
Center has received the Silver Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Council
of West Virginia. This organization is part of the Wellness Council of
America (WELCOA) which “focuses on building Well
Workplaces—organizations that are dedicated to the health of their
employees.” The Well Workplace process provides organizations with a
structure or blue print to help them build results-oriented wellness
programs. This prestigious initiative recognizes quality and excellence in worksite
health promotion. Driven by a rigorous set of criteria, organizations of all
kinds compete to be recognized as one of America's Healthiest Companies. Two
years ago the NIOSH Morgantown Wellness Center received the Bronze award.
More and more employees are becoming aware of wellness and are starting to
make lifestyle changes that will benefit their health for years to come.
Exploring the Modern Mineral Renaissance-Northwest Mining Association
111th Annual Meeting and Exposition will be
held December 5-9, 2005 in Spokane Washington. For more information contact
Pay Heywood at pheywood@xxxxxxxx.
10th Annual Safety
Seminar for Underground Stone Mines will be held December
6-7, 2005 in Louisville, Kentucky. More information can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/calendar/2005StoneFlyer.pdf
or by contacting Lou Prosser at LProsser@xxxxxxx.
For registration information contact Kim Mitchell at KAMitchell@xxxxxxx.
NIOSH and the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) signed a memorandum of understanding on October
31 to facilitate partnering, cooperation, and coordination of activities
involving personal protective equipment (PPE). The primary focus of the
agreement will include emergency responder protective clothing and equipment,
including PPE for response to all emergency incidents involving fire,
technical rescue, hazardous materials, emergency medical, special operations,
and terrorism incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, and explosive hazards. Primary focus also will include the
development of standards for emergency responder organizations and personnel
concerning the safety, deployment, operations, and protection of emergency
responders. The agreement was signed by NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D., and
NFPA President and Chief Executive Officer James M. Shannon.
In last month’s eNews we
reported on comments submitted in preparation for the next decade of the
National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). This month we take a closer
look at the over 40 comments which focused on cross sector issues. Cross
sector issues affect multiple sectors and encompass numerous safety and
health topics. The following chart describes the most frequently mentioned
topics submitted to the NORA Web site.
Cross-Sector Category
No. of Comments
Chemical &
Particle Exposures
Work Organization,
Violence, Stress
Capacity Building
(training OSH professionals)
Noise and Hearing
Protective Equipment
full set of comments can be viewed on the NORA Web site at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nora.
Concerned your topic is not on
this list? Submit your thoughts at the NORA
Web site.
The Connecticut Department of
Public Health’s Occupational Health Program has released the Fall 2005
edition of Connecticut Occupational Health eNews (COHeN). COHeN is a
quarterly electronic newsletter for professionals interested in the
protection and promotion of worker health in all work environments. You can
access COHeN at http://www.dph.state.ct.us/BRS/EOHA/enews.htm.
Reports from four
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations available.
- Naturally
occurring radioactive deposits in a national park
The National Park Service requested NIOSH assistance in assessing potential
exposures to park employees from naturally occurring radioactive mineral
deposits in piping removed from renovated bathhouses. Radon levels were
elevated in two buildings and in one water sample (but not the public
drinking fountain). NIOSH recommended further radon evaluations of park
buildings, radon remediation, and a water monitoring program. The full
report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2004-0094-2978.pdf.
- Musculoskeletal
factors at an automotive parts manufacturer
Employees requested NIOSH assistance in assessing musculoskeletal
factors on a new axle assembly line. NIOSH investigators observed and
videotaped jobs, reviewed illness and injury records, and interviewed
employees and health and safety managers. NIOSH investigators concluded
that due to the start-up nature of the operations, current available
information did not indicate a hazard. They stressed to the managers,
however, that timely implementation of changes in the parts delivery
system and evaluation of the physical stressors of newly designed jobs
was needed to ensure that musculoskeletal injuries did not occur as
production levels rose. The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2004-0116-2977.pdf.
- Lead
and wood dust exposures during wood floor refinishing
Managers of a floor service company requested NIOSH assistance in lead
and wood dust exposures during wood floor refinishing. NIOSH
investigators found that while lead exposures did not exceed
occupational exposure limits, workers were exposed to wood dust in
excess of the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit during sanding and
buffing tasks. Additionally, the settled dust on floors during
refinishing contained lead. They recommended engineering controls,
appropriate use of respiratory protection, and improved cleanup methods.
The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2000-0308-2981.pdf.
- Indoor environmental quality
at a fire station
Employees requested NIOSH assistance in assessing respiratory and other
health problems they believed were related to exposures in the indoor
environment, including mold. NIOSH investigators observed conditions
that were deemed to have potential for affecting indoor air quality.
They learned that the self-reported prevalence of physician diagnosed
asthma was about three times higher than in the general population.
Recommendations were made to identify and repair water leaks, further
evaluate the ventilation system, and properly remediate water-damaged
materials areas. The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2004-0246-2979.pdf.
of public meeting to seek input on gaps in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
radiogenicity research held on July 21, 2004
Information from a NIOSH public meeting focusing on chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (CLL) radiogenicity is now available, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2006-100.
As directed by the Congress, NIOSH has added CLL radiogenicity to existing
research being conducted under the NIOSH Occupational Energy Research
Program. The purpose of the July 2004 meeting was to discuss available
research strategies for investigating the potential relationship between the
incidence of CLL and worker exposures to ionizing radiation and to identify
gaps in current research so that NIOSH can further develop our research
program in this area.
Strengths of
Storytelling for Safety Training Explored in New Report
A new report from the NIOSH describes the importance of personal storytelling
as an effective tool for mine safety and health training. It also discusses
the components of producing successful safety training videos that build on
the storytelling tradition, drawing from NIOSH’s own experiences in
this regard.
Tell Me a Story: Why Stories are Essential to Effective Safety
Training, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No.
2005-152, is based on a seven-year research project. The intent was to
develop and assess new materials for training miners in ways to work safely
in a challenging and inherently dangerous setting. The effort was designed to
replicate traditional industry practices in which beginning miners are
mentored by older, more experienced miners, and to reflect cultural values in
mining. The new report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pubreference/2005-152.htm.
For further information on the story-based safety training model, contact
Elaine Cullen, NIOSH Spokane Research Laboratory, ecullen@xxxxxxx. Printed copies of the
report are available from Candace Pickett, NIOSH Spokane Research Laboratory,
at cpickett@xxxxxxx. A listing of NIOSH
miner training videos is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/products/#videos.
New Mining
NIOSH releases several new mining publications.
Deadline Approaches:
Call for Abstracts for the 2006 NORA Symposium
NIOSH is requesting abstracts for National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA)
Symposium 2006: Research Makes a Difference. Deadline
for receipt of abstracts is December 9, 2005. The call for abstracts can be
downloaded at the NORA Web site, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/NORA.
If you have questions concerning the call for abstracts, contact Roger Rosa
at RRosa@xxxxxxx.
symposium will be held on April 18-20, 2006 in Washington, D.C. Several
hundred occupational safety and health researchers, stakeholders, and
policymakers from the public and private sectors will convene to celebrate
completion of the first decade of NORA, mark the 35th anniversary
of NIOSH, and inaugurate the new plan for the future of NORA. An important
aspect of this conference will be scientific presentations addressing the
original 21 NORA priorities and anticipating research areas for the next ten
years. The symposium will be a unique forum for a broad cross-section of the
occupational safety and health community to learn about the variety of
research accomplishments stimulated or anticipated by NORA. For more
information about the symposium, please visit the NORA Web site or e-mail the
NORA coordinator at noracoordinator@xxxxxxx.
Symposium on Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection
NIOSH, the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health,
the U.S. Department of Energy, Beryllium Health & Safety Committee, Eichrom
Technologies, Inc., and the Savannah River National Laboratory will convene
the 2nd
Symposium on Beryllium Particulates and Their Detection
on November 8-9, 2005 in Salt Lake City, UT. This symposium, held in
connection with the fall meeting of the Beryllium Health and Safety
Committee, will devote one day to sampling issues (air, surface, and bulk)
and one day to issues of sample preparation, laboratory analysis, and
portable instrumentation. The format includes oral presentations, vendor
displays, panel discussions, and a poster session. More information on the
symposium can be found at http://www.rmcoeh.utah.edu/besymp.
Symposium: Biomedical Aspects of Nano-Toxicology
NIOSH will sponsor an international symposium, “Nano-Toxicology:
Biomedical Aspects,” on January 29-February 1, 2006, in Miami, FL.
Invited speakers from the U.S. and abroad will address key issues for
assessing the toxicology of nanomaterials and determining if such materials
pose an occupational health risk. Other sponsoring organizations are the
University of Pittsburgh, Inter Health Neutraceuticals, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, and Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Alabaster
(USA). Additional details and a registration form are available at http://www.pitt.edu/~nanotox/index.htm.
The Third
International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH 3)
will be held on February 1-4, 2006 in Chennai, India. IFISH 3 is
for those interested in small-scale and commercial fishing safety and injury
prevention and will include a stimulating program with keynote speakers,
presentation of scientific papers and posters and workshop. In addition, a
thematic workshop on Tsunami will follow the conference on February 6-7,
2006. The conference is convened by the Bay of Bengal Programme
Inter-Government Organization in collaboration with the NIOSH Alaska Field Station
and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. More
information on the conference can be found at http://www.ifish3.org.
Stress and Health 2006: Making a Difference in the Workplace
NIOSH, the American Psychological Association, the National Institute of
Justice of the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education,
and the U.S. Department of Labor will convene the sixth international
conference on occupational stress and health, Work, Stress, and Health 2006: Making a Difference
in the Workplace in Miami, FL, March 2-4, 2006. The
conference is designed to address the constantly changing nature of work, and
the implications of these changes for the health, safety, and well-being of
workers. In keeping with the conference theme, there will be a particular
focus on the translation of research to practice and workplace programs,
policies, practices, case experiences, and other efforts to prevent stress in
today's workplace. More information about the conference can be found at http://www.apa.org/pi/work/wsh2006.html.
Call for Abstracts: 13th International Respiratory
Protection of Healthcare Workers and Emergency Responders
Abstracts are currently being accepted for the 13th International Respiratory
Protection of Healthcare Workers and Emergency Responders Conference.
The conference will be held August 27-September 1, 2006 in Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. Topics for papers include respiratory protection for healthcare
workers, emergency responders, and those in developing countries, updates on
standards and regulations, emerging hazards and technologies, and fundamentals
of respiratory protection. The deadline for abstract submissions is March 31,
2006. More information on the Call for Abstracts is available at http://www.isrp.com.au/isrpcom/callforpapers_toronto.htm
or by contacting Ziqing Zhuang at ZZhuang1@xxxxxxx.
Additional information on the conference can be found at http://www.isrp.com/au.
Air-Purifying Escape Respirators (APER) are
air-purifying devices which use a chemical cartridge combined with a
particulate filter to purify contaminated air.
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Max Lum
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Technical Support
Joseph Cauley
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