Folks, I was looking through the OSDL CGL and SCOPE documents, and I was wondering if there were identified any ProofOfConcept (PoC) for the following requirements: CCM 2.2 Cluster Communication Service - Fault Handling (fast recovery) Description: OSDL CGL specifies that carrier grade Linux shall provide a reliable communication service that detects a connection failure, aborts the connection, and reports the connection failure. An established connection must react to and report a problem to the application within 250 ms upon any kind of service failure, such as a process or node crash. The connection failure detection requirement must offer controls that allow it to be tailored to specific conditions in different clusters. An example is to allow the specification of the duration of timeouts or the number of lost packets before declaring a connection failed. CDIAG 2.3 Cluster-Wide Log Collection Description: OSDL CGL specifies that carrier grade Linux shall provide a cluster-wide logging mechanism. A cluster-wide log shall contain node identification, message type, and cluster time identification. This cluster-wide log may be implemented as a central log or as the collection of specific node logs. Andy Cress