We are preparing the third Static Analysis Tool Exposition (SATE). Briefly, participating tool makers run their tool on a set of programs. Researchers led by NIST analyze the tool reports. The results and experiences are reported at a workshop. The tool reports and analysis are made publicly available later. The draft plan (including a summary of proposed changes since last year) is at http://samate.nist.gov/SATE2010.html In particular, we plan to provide the test sets by 28 June, and to hold a workshop on 1 October. We would appreciate any suggestions regarding the plan. We invite tool makers to sign up. If you would like to participate in the exposition, or if you have questions, please email Vadim Okun (vadim.okun 'at' nist.gov).or Aurelien Delaitre (aurelien.delaitre 'at' nist.gov). Thanks, Vadim