KDE Security Advisory: Konqueror Window Injection Vulnerability Original Release Date: 2004-12-13 URL: http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20041213-1.txt 0. References http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2004-1158 http://secunia.com/advisories/13254/ http://secunia.com/secunia_research/2004-13/advisory http://secunia.com/multiple_browsers_window_injection_vulnerability_test/ http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94812 http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20040811-3.txt 1. Systems affected: All versions of KDE up to KDE 3.3.2 inclusive. 2. Overview: The Konqueror webbrowser allows websites to load webpages into a window or tab currently used by another website. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CAN-2004-1158 to this issue. This vulnerability is similar to the Konqueror Frame Injection Vulnerability reported on 2004-08-11 but the solution offered as part of that advisory did not cover the window case. 3. Impact: A malicious website could abuse Konquer to load its own content into a window or tab that was opened by a trusted website or it could trick a trusted website into loading content into an existing window or tab. This may be abused to confuse the user about the origin of a certain webpage. As a result the user may unknowingly send confidential information intended for the trusted website to the malicious website. 4. Solution: Source code patches have been made available which fix these vulnerabilities. Contact your OS vendor / binary package provider for information about how to obtain updated binary packages. 5. Patch: Patches for KDE 3.2.3 are available from ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches : 4d61d568e822d781308caa73050930bd post-3.2.3-kdelibs-htmlframes2.patch 7340cfd22ee46a6d65e001179c082b08 post-3.2.3-kdebase-htmlframes2.patch Patches for KDE 3.3.2 are available from ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches : d2e513a039ba44becf5728b983b78fc4 post-3.3.2-kdelibs-htmlframes2.patch 31688394bea2dd685371d9d3da9ec2ab post-3.3.2-kdebase-htmlframes2.patch 6. Time line and credits: 19/11/2004 security@xxxxxxx contacted by Secunia 08/12/2004 Advisory & test case publishd by Secunia 11/12/2004 Konqueror patches posted for review 13/12/2004 KDE Advisory released
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