XDICT Buffer OverRun Vulnerability by Sowhat DATE:2004.10.26 CN:http://secway.org/Advisory/Ad20041026CN.txt EN:http://secway.org/Advisory/Ad20041026EN.txt VENDOR: KingSOFT Inc. www.kingsoft.com AFFECTED: XDICT 2002 XDICT 2003 XDICT 2004 XDICT 2005 BACKGROUD: XDICT is a very popular translation Software(CHINESE <==>ENGLISH) of CHINA.It is very Useful and Powerful :-) More information: www.kingsoft.com DESCRIPTION: When you open the function of "Screen Fecth"(Fetch the Word From Screen),the XDICT will automatically trace your mouse activity and return the Translation of the WORD(or SENTENCE) you are pointing to. IF there is no corresponding translation founded ,then it will display a message like "'JUSTFORTEST' was not founded" . The XDICT will trace your mouse's activity and when you are pointing to a WORD,the word will be copied to a Buffer,and then try to macth its own Dictionary. The problem is that they set a wrong Buffer here,and if you are pointing to a string longer than 88 'A',the process xdict.exe will encounter a Buffer Overrun,and the CPU usage will immediatly increase to 100% . Bong ! the system will hang up. You must reboot it. According to my friend's test,with WIN2K PRO+ XDICT 2005,the system will not hang up.XDICT will firstly close the "Screen Fetch" function,and quit itself when the string is longer. Exploit: open your notepad.exe ,type 88 'A' with no interruption AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA take the "Screen Fecth" ON,move your mouse ,when you are pointing to this string ,the system will hangup. A specially crafted string may let the attacker to execute arbitrary commands. Solution: ReConfigure the "Screen Fecth" Mode to use "CTRL+MOUSE". Anyway,dont point to a very long string before the pacth is available Vendor Respond: 2004.10.26 Vendor notice 2004.10.27 The vendor reply that this bug is submited to the TEST department NO further reply Credit: Sowhat http://secway.org [ITS] Security Research Team This is a little but phunny bug :-) Thank to MiaoDeYu for his TEST,Thank to all the members of ITS