Re: Arbitrary Command Execution on Distributor SQL Server 2000 machines (#NISR22002002A)

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This was alredy published by me one month ago:

and the patch that fix it is:

All stored procedures vulnerables appears in
SecurityHotfix.sql file that is in the above mentioned


--- David Litchfield <> wrote:
> NGSSoftware Insight Security Research Advisory
> Name: Arbitrary Command Execution on SQL Server 2000
> Systems: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 2
> Severity: High Risk for Distributor servers
> Category: Arbitrary Command Execution
> Vendor URL:
> Author: David Litchfield (
> Advisory URL:
> Date: 22nd August 2002
> Advisory number: #NISR22002002A
> Description
> ***********
> A stored procedure on an SQL Server is a series of
> SQL queries that can be
> written once and run many times. One of the internal
> Microsoft stored
> procedures on SQL Server 2000 that the 'public' role
> has permissions to
> execute fails to validate user input before passing
> it to xp_cmdshell. The
> xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure runs an
> operating system command and
> it is possible for a low privileged and malicious
> user to insert and run
> their own arbitrary commands.
> Details
> *******
> If a Microsoft SQL Server is configured as a
> distributor, so it can
> replicate data between servers, a low privileged and
> malicious user may
> execute the 'sp_MScopyscript' stored procedure and
> insert arbitrary commands
> which will be run in the security context of the SQL
> Server account. If the
> SQL Server is running as LocalSytem then this attack
> will invariably fail.
> The reasons behind this is due to the fact that,
> before the user supplied
> commands are executed, the server must create a
> directory over a network
> share on the distributor. As the Local System
> account has no pivileges on
> the network, the stored procedure will fail at this
> point. If the server is
> running in the context of a domain user then the
> "make directory" command
> should work provided replication has been setup
> properly. Once this command
> has executed the stored procedure then inserts the
> user supplied @scriptfile
> parameter into a command: from the text of
> sp_MScopyscript
> select @cmd = N'copy "' + @scriptfile + N'" "' +
> @directory + N'"'
> exec @retcode = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT
> By supplying a malformed @scriptfile parameter an
> attacker can run arbitrary
> commands:
> use master
> declare @cmd nvarchar(4000)
> exec sp_MScopyscriptfile N'c:\autoexec.bat"
> c:\cp.txt&echo hello >
> c:\ccc.bbb & echo "hello',@cmd OUTPUT
> print @cmd
> The above query will copy the autoexec.bat file to
> cp.txt but also echo
> hello to a file called ccc.bbb.
> If the server is running with Administrator
> privileges an attacker will be
> able to insert pretty much any command. For example
> the could create a
> Windows NT user and add it to the administrators
> group.
> Fix Information
> ***************
> The last cumulative patch provided by Microsoft (
> see
> bulletin/MS02-043.asp ) appears to address this
> problem. If you have not
> applied this patch yet NGSSoftware recommend you do
> so as soon as possible.
> For those who have to wait to apply the patch due to
> testing periods etc
> NGSSoftware recommend that you at least prevent the
> 'public' role from
> running this stored procedure. You can do this by
> running the following
> query from Query Analyzer:
> REVOKE EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_MScopyscriptfile] FROM
> [public] CASCADE

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