Typically for percpu map element or data structure, once allocated, most operations are lookup or in-place update. Deletion are really rare. Currently, for percpu data strcture, 4 elements will be refilled if the size is <= 256. Let us just do with one element for percpu data. For example, for size 256 and 128 cpus, the potential saving will be 3 * 256 * 128 * 128 = 12MB. Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <yonghong.song@xxxxxxxxx> --- kernel/bpf/memalloc.c | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/kernel/bpf/memalloc.c b/kernel/bpf/memalloc.c index 84987e97fd0a..a1d718ee264d 100644 --- a/kernel/bpf/memalloc.c +++ b/kernel/bpf/memalloc.c @@ -483,11 +483,15 @@ static void init_refill_work(struct bpf_mem_cache *c) static void prefill_mem_cache(struct bpf_mem_cache *c, int cpu) { + int cnt = 1; + /* To avoid consuming memory assume that 1st run of bpf * prog won't be doing more than 4 map_update_elem from * irq disabled region */ - alloc_bulk(c, c->unit_size <= 256 ? 4 : 1, cpu_to_node(cpu), false); + if (!c->percpu_size && c->unit_size <= 256) + cnt = 4; + alloc_bulk(c, cnt, cpu_to_node(cpu), false); } static int check_obj_size(struct bpf_mem_cache *c, unsigned int idx) -- 2.34.1